hello everyone.. in this post i would like to elaborate on the importance of having a mastermind group of people who are geared towards the same goals and dreams as you are.. Just as no skyscraper or business is ever built by one person.. self development is the same... We need others to share ideas with.. to learn from.. to get inspiration from and also to inspire others in the same vein.. when we have a group of people who are going in the same directions as we are... and have the same ideas and goals and visions we can often connect with them on a level that is very powerful and allows us to propell ourselves even further through their energy and consistent persistence we learn the same skills and principles that are important to personal achievement... its like being on a basketball team... the more you work together and share and communicate the better the team will perform.. the energy becomes stronger... the willpower becomes stronger and the teams play better which allows them to win.. it makes so much sense.. when we align ourselves with a mastermind group we feel a divine spark within us of poweful inspiration and motivation... that is why it is so important to only surround yourself with people who share these ideas and principles with you... Dont allow negative people into your mental landscape they will try to suck the life out of you... why? because their lives are a mess and they think that "thats just the way life is" ... dont waste your time on these people.. they are NOT worth it. if you stop and think about it... WHO and why would anyone want to be around people who dont want the same things they want? how are those people going to help you?? the truth is they cant.. and they wont.. and when you try to talk to them about the powerful things your learning they will tell you that "oh that sounds like nonsense to me dont push that positive thinking crap on me" and they continue to live a life of mediocrity and misery by just "getting by" Wow.... i couldnt imagine living like that... that is why im continuing to make strong pushes forward to change these things in my own life and why im continuing to develop as much as possible... I hope this post finds you well and i look forward to networking and connecting with you!! take care! you can connect with me on my facebook page --Damian chris peters
My skype account is LordMorbidity
Personal development, Relationship building, Network marketing Truths and Skills training For growing yourself into that Leader that People Will want to be in business with!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
the goals of persistence
Its so amazing when one has the strength and determination to persist until the desired outcome is achieved.. Human achievement is truly a remarkable process.. When you stop to look at everyone who has success you will come to realize that they Truly did work hard for it... and what i mean by that is simple... Desire.. faith...Decision And persistence!! These 4 powerful elements when combined will overcome every obstacle that is put in front of it. People in today's society just GIVE up at the first sign of adversity... But how can we have achievement without knowing what defeat can create within us.. which when turned into positive energy actually gives us MORE power over these challenges because we appreciate the very essence of what it means succeed!! and when we feel that essence in its entirety it truly transcends us beyond limitations of what this world tries to put into us.. success is a LIFELONG journey and it is only realized by those who truly have what it takes to persist and believe and have the burning desire within them to traverse through EVERY CHALLENGE!!! And this is what awakens our true potential to achieve greatness... the mastermind group with mentoring for free has truly been an amazing inspiration to me to push forward and push through EVERYTHING in order to have the success in my life that i desire.. thank you to you all for what you have done for me and the way you continue to care about me and my success!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
"Personal money smarts" Part II
Hello everyone out there in cyberspace... my name is chris peeters and i am back with another terrific wall post and in this post im going to continue to talk about The importance about being financially concious about your spending and saving.. Having personal money smarts is very easy to practice... Simply by putting away 5 or 10 dollars at a time alone will begin building new habits of behavior in your subconcious mind which is the centre of your brain that drives all habits you currently have and are governed by.. Personal money smarts is another way of also Changing other habits that may be detremental to your development or ability to harness your energy to create change inside of you... These things all tie together and all play a vital role in everything that makes us who we are and why we do the things we do and why we say the things we say,.
Anyhow here are some steps you can take to increase the state of finance you are in
1. Sit down and take a good look at where you are financially Know firsthand how much you have
where it is going and what your potential is
2.Develop a plan for saving money... This is VERY important and it can be as little as 5 dollars at a time!
the key is to practice saving so that you end up with more than you have now... the more money you save the more money you will attract into your experience... trust me... Put a regular amount away at regular intervals
3. Make a serious effort to put some money away this week.. like i said it can be ANY amount..
just make sure you keep it regular and at regular intervals...also its important to make a list of your current
spending and evaluate where you can spend less so that you have more for when life really demands money from you... These things do happen no matter who we are or where in life we are.
4.Remember that you are not the only one who needs to practice changing habits.. we all as concious beings
need to be doing more and more in the ways of personal development and not just financially.. we need to grow, change, shape, and evolve into beings of great kindness and devotion and honor to those we most hold dear to us... this is one of the major steps to enlightenment... Trust me i am on an amazing journey myself!!!!
I hope this post finds you well and i look forward to hearing from anyone out there who is on the same journey to success as i am!! thank you
Anyhow here are some steps you can take to increase the state of finance you are in
1. Sit down and take a good look at where you are financially Know firsthand how much you have
where it is going and what your potential is
2.Develop a plan for saving money... This is VERY important and it can be as little as 5 dollars at a time!
the key is to practice saving so that you end up with more than you have now... the more money you save the more money you will attract into your experience... trust me... Put a regular amount away at regular intervals
3. Make a serious effort to put some money away this week.. like i said it can be ANY amount..
just make sure you keep it regular and at regular intervals...also its important to make a list of your current
spending and evaluate where you can spend less so that you have more for when life really demands money from you... These things do happen no matter who we are or where in life we are.
4.Remember that you are not the only one who needs to practice changing habits.. we all as concious beings
need to be doing more and more in the ways of personal development and not just financially.. we need to grow, change, shape, and evolve into beings of great kindness and devotion and honor to those we most hold dear to us... this is one of the major steps to enlightenment... Trust me i am on an amazing journey myself!!!!
I hope this post finds you well and i look forward to hearing from anyone out there who is on the same journey to success as i am!! thank you
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"burning desire part II"
hello everyone out there and welcome to another one of my posts... today im going to elaborate some more on the importance of burning desire... this is a process that ignites some of the most powerful feelings inside of us.. the emotions behind desire are profound and often can transcend us beyond what you and I would call tangible.. but thats the wonderful thing about desire is that it Breaks the bounds of traditional logic in that when one focuses their entire being on an outcome that they want out of life.. a Strong intense passionate burning desire WILL manifest it into its physical countperpart.. Napoleon hill stresses the importance of a burning desire and a Strong "why" that will always keep you going no matter what challenge or obstacle you are currently facing.. It is very important to remember that Achievement only comes when the desire for the achievement is powerful enough..
It is easy to just "give up" after all thats 90% of the problem of the human race and it explains why we have
famine, poverty, drug addiction and alcoholism and so many more social issues. One thing that can be said about this.... It doesnt HAVE to be that way... no one has to live in such miserable conditions.. for it is ones own mindset and belief driven systems and internal dialogue that will shift ones perception to the path of abundance rather than the Setbacks of a Lacking state of concious awareness... Remember we are all responsible for our lives... if we have the ability to make a choice between a hamburger and a sub sandwich.. then we have the ability just as easily to make the choice between success and failure... Focus and powerful burning desire is Absolutley key to getting what it is that you yearn for so badly that you will do anything to attain!
Until next time.. take care of yourself...
It is easy to just "give up" after all thats 90% of the problem of the human race and it explains why we have
famine, poverty, drug addiction and alcoholism and so many more social issues. One thing that can be said about this.... It doesnt HAVE to be that way... no one has to live in such miserable conditions.. for it is ones own mindset and belief driven systems and internal dialogue that will shift ones perception to the path of abundance rather than the Setbacks of a Lacking state of concious awareness... Remember we are all responsible for our lives... if we have the ability to make a choice between a hamburger and a sub sandwich.. then we have the ability just as easily to make the choice between success and failure... Focus and powerful burning desire is Absolutley key to getting what it is that you yearn for so badly that you will do anything to attain!
Until next time.. take care of yourself...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
"Personal money smarts"
hello everyone out there... this is chris peeters .. in this post i will be discussing personal money smarts..
Now what does this mean exactly?? well i encourage you to take a look at your financial situation and evaulate your current spending vs your current saving.. Are you spending more than you should? and if so what kinds of changes can you make so that you can actually start saving money.. Are you currently in debt? and if so do you have a financial advisor who can assist you in managing your debt? In my own personal experience i was in alot of debt when i was a university student and i borrowed money to attend school and during this time i was introduced to a course called "personal money smarts" the course lasted about 4 months and i learned HOW to budget my money effectively and use the money i had WISELY instead of foolishly... i had learned that i could be spending less money on take out... Collectable cards etc... i then began to work out a budget plan and also a set amount of money that i wanted to save each month...for example if i was recieving 700 dollars per month i made SURE that i saved at least 150 dollars of that money each and every month.. and when times came where i was strapped for cash i always had money to fall back on... this is how we can avoid being BROKE... there is no worse feeling in the world then when you cant even afford to eat!
With all this in mind lets begin breaking this down into steps you can take to manage your money effectively
1. What is your current mindset about debt? what do your friends and family think about debt in general?
and how much Debt do the people in your life currently have?
2.Do you feel it is a good idea to seek a Debt consultant to assist you in your current debt situation and if so
What kind of plan do you intend to work out with your consultant so that you can begin the process of eliminating your debt.
3.Would you say your finances are under control? or are you spending more money than you need to?
this is very important to evaluate! for it will often be the difference maker in your spending vs saving!
4.Do you have a plan for your finances?? and if so how much money are you putting away if any at all??
start small! put away 30 dollars this month... and then the next month put 50 away.. and so on and so forth..
you will be amazed by just how much that alone will begin to make a difference
5. Make yourself a spreadsheet listing your expenses... your total income... leisure... gas....cellphone bill
whatever the expenses are... make a list of them and find ways to REDUCE your current spending.. this also makes a huge difference.
6.Evaluate your current income sources.. are they providing you with enough money to give you the things you need?? are you able to buy enough groceries etc? This is another very important aspect to consider when evaulating your current financial spending...
I hope this finds you well... and please contact me if you want more assistance with the topics covered here in this post.. and remember Personal money smarts is beneficial for everyone in your family...
Now what does this mean exactly?? well i encourage you to take a look at your financial situation and evaulate your current spending vs your current saving.. Are you spending more than you should? and if so what kinds of changes can you make so that you can actually start saving money.. Are you currently in debt? and if so do you have a financial advisor who can assist you in managing your debt? In my own personal experience i was in alot of debt when i was a university student and i borrowed money to attend school and during this time i was introduced to a course called "personal money smarts" the course lasted about 4 months and i learned HOW to budget my money effectively and use the money i had WISELY instead of foolishly... i had learned that i could be spending less money on take out... Collectable cards etc... i then began to work out a budget plan and also a set amount of money that i wanted to save each month...for example if i was recieving 700 dollars per month i made SURE that i saved at least 150 dollars of that money each and every month.. and when times came where i was strapped for cash i always had money to fall back on... this is how we can avoid being BROKE... there is no worse feeling in the world then when you cant even afford to eat!
With all this in mind lets begin breaking this down into steps you can take to manage your money effectively
1. What is your current mindset about debt? what do your friends and family think about debt in general?
and how much Debt do the people in your life currently have?
2.Do you feel it is a good idea to seek a Debt consultant to assist you in your current debt situation and if so
What kind of plan do you intend to work out with your consultant so that you can begin the process of eliminating your debt.
3.Would you say your finances are under control? or are you spending more money than you need to?
this is very important to evaluate! for it will often be the difference maker in your spending vs saving!
4.Do you have a plan for your finances?? and if so how much money are you putting away if any at all??
start small! put away 30 dollars this month... and then the next month put 50 away.. and so on and so forth..
you will be amazed by just how much that alone will begin to make a difference
5. Make yourself a spreadsheet listing your expenses... your total income... leisure... gas....cellphone bill
whatever the expenses are... make a list of them and find ways to REDUCE your current spending.. this also makes a huge difference.
6.Evaluate your current income sources.. are they providing you with enough money to give you the things you need?? are you able to buy enough groceries etc? This is another very important aspect to consider when evaulating your current financial spending...
I hope this finds you well... and please contact me if you want more assistance with the topics covered here in this post.. and remember Personal money smarts is beneficial for everyone in your family...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"Visualizing your plan"
Planning is the way of visualizing which in turn creates the seed from which the desired outcome can grow! Whatever you desire MUST have a plan so you can achieve it! It is important that we as people remember that planning provides us with organizing and gives us a plan of action in which to strive towards! Enacting a plan helps you direct your energy into how you see your goals manifesting themselves!! this is VERY powerful! It provides the strong sense of action and further enhances the positive energy that is required to Direct the desire into the sub-concious mind!!! the act of planning will always aid you on your quest for higher levels of being and achievement!! here are some examples of why planning is completley nessecary to accomplish any desire you wish to have
--Planning to build a car engine?? this requires Immense study and knowledge of parts, bolts, Lubricants, wires,hoses, etc
where and how they all fit together Which in turns builds you an engine.. An engine is built by learning everything about how it
runs and what it runs on...and the plan in which you start from scratch by laying out all the parts seperated from one another you
then refer to a schematic which shows diagrams and instructs you on how to put all the parts together! Also the diagrams show you how to attach the engine into the engine block! to the transmission.. to the wheel axels.. to the differential.. and so on and so forth... failing to plan
ANY of these intricate instructions would ulitimately result in FAILING to build an engine... the same is true for anything you wish to accomplish in life.. Visualizing is like looking at a diagram of instructions that will in turn Construct the very thing you desire! Also.. you want to keep in mind the importance of having a mastermind group to compare ideas and organize your plan and this will in turn allow you to gain a greater perspective on what your trying to accomplish... Remember it is UP TO US to ask for help when we need it... we cannot do it all alone! a mastermind group is key to hold you up when you are down and to be there for support!! Visualizing your plan is imperitive for your success..!!
--Planning to build a car engine?? this requires Immense study and knowledge of parts, bolts, Lubricants, wires,hoses, etc
where and how they all fit together Which in turns builds you an engine.. An engine is built by learning everything about how it
runs and what it runs on...and the plan in which you start from scratch by laying out all the parts seperated from one another you
then refer to a schematic which shows diagrams and instructs you on how to put all the parts together! Also the diagrams show you how to attach the engine into the engine block! to the transmission.. to the wheel axels.. to the differential.. and so on and so forth... failing to plan
ANY of these intricate instructions would ulitimately result in FAILING to build an engine... the same is true for anything you wish to accomplish in life.. Visualizing is like looking at a diagram of instructions that will in turn Construct the very thing you desire! Also.. you want to keep in mind the importance of having a mastermind group to compare ideas and organize your plan and this will in turn allow you to gain a greater perspective on what your trying to accomplish... Remember it is UP TO US to ask for help when we need it... we cannot do it all alone! a mastermind group is key to hold you up when you are down and to be there for support!! Visualizing your plan is imperitive for your success..!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
"your Burning passionate desires"
Hello everyone out there i am writing a post in regards to WHY i want success.. WHY i want to create changes in my life..What i love... What i hate... what i want to get out of and what situations i want to change and have my life in complete control...Then i will be elaborating on the importance of your own why and what exactly you want out of life
1-I need to succeed in order to have financial freedom to move and travel
2-I want to stop living with roomates.
3-i want to be able to play drums and guitar at ANYTIME..
4-i want the freedom to wander around my house naked ANYTIME i want...To make love to my girlfriend ANYWHERE in the house at anytime..
5-I want to help others reach their goals in order to change this world and make it a better place
6-I want to help my girlfriend achieve her goals and dreams
7-I want to Reach out and educate people on how to successfully run and maintain a network marketing business
8- I want to help my mom out financially if able
9- I want to feel complete spiritual harmony and freedom from worry or anxiety about my relationship with my girlfriend
10-I want to persist and persist to learn self discipline and achieve whatever i desire
11-I want happiness and fortune and security.
12-I want to change peoples perceptions on network marketing
13-I want to develop listening skills and trust with my clients.
14-I never want life to seem dull or repetitive.
15-I want to be able to take a vacation on a WHIM with my girlfriend
16-I want to educate as many people as possible with mentoring for free so that they can in turn educate others and create true friendships and retention thus making network marketing EASY and fun!
This is MY why.....Whats yours??? what do you want? what do you you want to change? how much time do you want with your family? What could you do to feel fullfilled and happy? How much time do you spend at your current job? How much money are you making right now with your current job? Is it enough to do the things you want? Success leaves footprints that can be followed..If you want to succeed in life and in network marketing then you NEED to build people... you why needs to keep you going through ANYTHING! if your effort for achievement is 70% and you encounter an obstacle that is 72% your gone!!! your why MUST be 99%... Achievement is Created through desire and persistence and FAITH! If you want to have Luck you also need to build powerful relationships.. The more people your in contact with that have positive feelings about you the more likely you are to be around when an excellent opportunity presents itself! Doesnt this make perfect sense? But if you never make that contact.. you will never know the opportunities.. The more people you reach out to help the more likely you are to be lucky..Build your spider web continuously And you greatly increase your chance of being in the path when good things happen...
there is an old saying... the harder i work the luckier i get... its true.. especially when building true friendships with people... They want health, security, Financial independance, Achievement, They want love, they want passion, they want self satisfaction, trust, they want love and appreciation and fun! people have wanted these things for thousands of years and they will want them a thousand years later!! these things are what everyone wants... If you want a life of prosperity and achievement and financial independence you need to help others get the SAME things that you want...you need to understand them and study them.. listen to their goals and dreams and desires... you definitley need a good product sure no doubt... but your magic isnt your product.. the magic is YOU... and your desires and goals and dreams... and helping others work towards this common goal by teaching them the same things.. Remember this... People are NOT NUMBERS... people join people They dont join companies! it is essential that you become a mentor with a servants heart... Build your people... build your spiderwebs... by creating trust and positive feelings in people towards you and what your offering THEM!!!
1-I need to succeed in order to have financial freedom to move and travel
2-I want to stop living with roomates.
3-i want to be able to play drums and guitar at ANYTIME..
4-i want the freedom to wander around my house naked ANYTIME i want...To make love to my girlfriend ANYWHERE in the house at anytime..
5-I want to help others reach their goals in order to change this world and make it a better place
6-I want to help my girlfriend achieve her goals and dreams
7-I want to Reach out and educate people on how to successfully run and maintain a network marketing business
8- I want to help my mom out financially if able
9- I want to feel complete spiritual harmony and freedom from worry or anxiety about my relationship with my girlfriend
10-I want to persist and persist to learn self discipline and achieve whatever i desire
11-I want happiness and fortune and security.
12-I want to change peoples perceptions on network marketing
13-I want to develop listening skills and trust with my clients.
14-I never want life to seem dull or repetitive.
15-I want to be able to take a vacation on a WHIM with my girlfriend
16-I want to educate as many people as possible with mentoring for free so that they can in turn educate others and create true friendships and retention thus making network marketing EASY and fun!
This is MY why.....Whats yours??? what do you want? what do you you want to change? how much time do you want with your family? What could you do to feel fullfilled and happy? How much time do you spend at your current job? How much money are you making right now with your current job? Is it enough to do the things you want? Success leaves footprints that can be followed..If you want to succeed in life and in network marketing then you NEED to build people... you why needs to keep you going through ANYTHING! if your effort for achievement is 70% and you encounter an obstacle that is 72% your gone!!! your why MUST be 99%... Achievement is Created through desire and persistence and FAITH! If you want to have Luck you also need to build powerful relationships.. The more people your in contact with that have positive feelings about you the more likely you are to be around when an excellent opportunity presents itself! Doesnt this make perfect sense? But if you never make that contact.. you will never know the opportunities.. The more people you reach out to help the more likely you are to be lucky..Build your spider web continuously And you greatly increase your chance of being in the path when good things happen...
there is an old saying... the harder i work the luckier i get... its true.. especially when building true friendships with people... They want health, security, Financial independance, Achievement, They want love, they want passion, they want self satisfaction, trust, they want love and appreciation and fun! people have wanted these things for thousands of years and they will want them a thousand years later!! these things are what everyone wants... If you want a life of prosperity and achievement and financial independence you need to help others get the SAME things that you want...you need to understand them and study them.. listen to their goals and dreams and desires... you definitley need a good product sure no doubt... but your magic isnt your product.. the magic is YOU... and your desires and goals and dreams... and helping others work towards this common goal by teaching them the same things.. Remember this... People are NOT NUMBERS... people join people They dont join companies! it is essential that you become a mentor with a servants heart... Build your people... build your spiderwebs... by creating trust and positive feelings in people towards you and what your offering THEM!!!
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