Sunday, September 21, 2014

Use "Success In 10 Steps" To Boost Your Confidence‏

Hello everyone out there, here is another Blog post and this time ill talk about how Success in 10 steps by Mr Micheal Dlouhy's Ebook has boosted my confidence! 
A lot of what determines success or failure is NOT the obvious stuff that you see and are concerned with.
Studies have shown that whether you're talking to someone on the phone, or in person, their impression of you & what you say is based ONLY ABOUT 8% on the words you use!!
The other 92% is your body language and the sound & qualities of your voice. I'm sure it's easy for you to understand that if you sound uncertain, no one is going to follow you. To be successful, you must sound and look like you know exactly what you are doing.
That is one of the reasons that this blog is so useful to you. The more time you spend learning about the intricacies of Success In 10 Steps, the more certainty you will have when you talk to a prospect. And as you study & gain the ability to direct them to a specific page that answers their question, you look to them like someone who really knows what they are doing.
And when they see you that way, it's a big key to their desire to work with you.
This is something you just cannot afford to shortcut. So open a new text file. Read Success In 10 Steps again, and take notes by chapter. Write down what strikes you as really memorable, really useful, and note the page it's on. Talk about it out loud. Tell what you really like. Again, write down your notes.
The better you get at this, the more confident you will sound when you speak with a prospect. When they can hear in your voice that you are certain you know what you're talking about, you are in good shape.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Marketing Insanity - A True Case‏

Hello everyone out here on  the internet chris peeters here and i wanted to share A story that will make you think twice about those "MLM heavy Hitters"
It's worth your time to take a look at the section on "Marketing Insanity" early in the Success In 10 Steps eb00k. One of my team recently spoke with a husband-and-wife on a 3-way call. They're in a company selling air filters. Their basic product is a $4,000 sale.
And then they said, "But you can buy it over time!"
Boy! Hope springs eternal in netw0rk marketers, doesn't it? They KNOW they can make this thing work. "Heck, we can buy it over time. This'll work."
So here's the deal, which is what my associate told them:
Are you kidding me? You HAVE to be a salesperson. You HAVE to be a salesperson to do that. A $4,000 product is a sales business. They can call it network marketing if they want, but let me ask you a question:
Does your new rep go on autoship for $4,000 a month?
I didn't think so.
Here's what my associate told them:
"Success In 10 Steps is a great tool, but it won't work for you. You can't use this eb00k to find people who'll spend $4K. Our system is perfect to build a relationship business, but that's not what you have - you have a SALES business. You need to run ads to find salespeople."
Again, it's a $4,000 product. And THEY bought it, because it's something they really believe in and they wanted. But they are the exception. You need REALLY targeted leads to sell that product. You sure as heck aren't going to buy M-L-M leads and sell any $4,000 air filters. There's no way you can recruit those people, because they won't buy the product.
There was a time when it was pretty standard in M-L-M to advertise for salespeople, but not so much anymore. Traditionally, salespeople haven't done that well in netw0rk market1ng, for a lot of reasons. Most of all, salespeople can't train anyone to do what they do, and so what they do is not duplicatable.
What you want in network marketing is a lot of people, with each one doing a little bit. That is the model that works. You can build a big business with that model.
The standard for M-L-M has always been lotions and potions and vitamins. Outstanding nutritionals & personal care products that get raved about and used up and bought over and over. That is the type of product that creates residual income.
And I would go so far as to say that any product that doesn't create residual income - people on autoship who buy automatically every month - is NOT an M-L-M product.
Feel free to argue if you want. But the #1 reason for doing M-L-M is to create an income that goes on whether you are working or not. And that ONLY happens with people on autoship.
It's simple. No autoship = No network marketing.
That air filter customer never goes on autoship. So not only is there NO residual income, but you also must be a pretty good salesperson to sell a $4,000 product.
I'm not a salesperson. I cannot do it. Almost everybody out there cannot do it. Can you work and work and work and find someone who can?
Sure. That business has been going for awhile. Here and there, they find a salesperson. But man, what a tough way to build a business.
So it's really helpful to know where this stuff is in the ebook because when that topic comes up - and it will - you need to be able to direct people to the source that explains their situation. That's way better than you trying to do it yourself.
That is what I think.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter I of think and grow rich "Thoughts are things"

so a new beginning with chapter I -thoughts are things- Well, ill be 34 this sunday and another year in my life has concluded.  I have been having a week of ups and downs with my emotions because i am still without my soulmate and i find myself coming back to my self talk more and more, and I ask myself "am i doing it enough"  

I will admit that i dont say it quite as much as i should be! those Negative thoughts of doubt and lonliness creep into my mind and i end up feeling sad.  Ive  come to realize that i need to be WHOLE and content with myself before im going to be able to make anyone else happy who ends up being my partner.  

The great challenge of personal development is the journey itself, there will be pain through growth.. I know that i have to completley move on from my past and my regrets.  Mentoring for free is helping me do this,  I feel good at the end of the day when i realize that i have been balancing the scales of the old me, with the wonderful person i am turning into through this mastermind group of people.

 Edwin c barnes had nothing to start with when he went to the Orange new Jersey to go into business with Thomas .A. Edison but he let NOTHING stop him from achieving what he had come after because it was what he THOUGHT that made his dreams possible, He never quit and had the burning obsession to win.  I know that in order for me to achieve all i have thought i too have to have the burning obsession to attract my soulmate and be ready for her. 

chris peeters
Brandon Manitoba

Will Michael Dlouhy's System Work a Year From Now?

Everything changes. Who knows if the "Success In 10 Steps" prospect recruiting system will work a year from now?
But what I do know is - it worked in 2005, when we first offered it.
==> And 3 years ago.
==> And 2 years ago.
==> And last year.
And it sure works now.
Absolutely, things will change. Unfortunately, neither you nor I know for sure exactly WHAT will change. When you're looking for a productive MLM lead generation system, your best bet is to look at what has worked well in the past, and decide what principles are important to you in a leads system.
Personally, I think a system that targets "frustrated MLMers" has a good chance to be eternal. Having been in this business for over 30 years, I can't imagine a world where there aren't a ton of frustrated MLMers looking for a solution to their problems. And trust me, that is one VERY hot market.
Plus, of course, it is the exact market targeted by "Success In 10 Steps."
For sure, there are other network marketing principles that are eternal, that could be used as the basis for choosing a lead generation system. I'd love some help with my marketing - what network marketing principle or idea is the MOST real to you? Please leave a comment below.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS:  Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My personal lesson plan For Chapter 15 of think and grow rich "How to Outwit the Sixth ghosts of Fear"

What a memorable morning i had today... I was doing my Paper routes and There is a Customer in particular that i deliver to and she lives here in my home city Shes a nice lady and is usually in her garden doing various tasks that gardening requires, And We usually chat it up for at least 5-10 mins so i have built some rapport with her and  this morning i didnt see her outside and i thought hmmm this is a little bit odd? 

 So i decide to walk up to her door with her paper in my hand and i ring the doorbell and she answers and we both greet one another And i saw her carrying a bowl with some Wet cat food in it, I said "Hey you have cats thats awesome! I love cats!"  and she replied " Well yeah but one died last july" and she hung her head kind of low and i went on to consolidate her and i said " Yeah i know how that feels its tough to lose a pet"  And i said " Hey ive got some good news for you!"  So i Opened up her paper and i Flipped to the classified ads and i said " Hey check this out! Someones giving away kittens!" And she said " Well id love too but ive only got about 12 years of my life left!" 

 Well, Let me tell you  Hearing that news come from her indicated 2 things to me...number 1 She was Developing a stronger sense of trust with me and Number 2 She was going to die with her music still in her! So i didnt know what to say but it didnt matter because she said "Hey chris you know ive been thinking of getting a ferret! and i said " Oh awesome! Yeah just so your aware they require alot of Cage maintenence" she then said " Nah id let it go loose in the house!  

We both shared a great laugh and i said "Well i gotta go now and deliver to the rest of my customers and we both wished each other a wonderful day!!! I got into my car and i instantly thought of The monday leadership skills call and i said to myself " Man I wonder if that woman has ever looked in the mirror and said " I LIKE MYSELF"  And if so... has she ever said "I LOVE MYSELF" and truly meant it?  I have been doing this exercise myself now each day i look in the mirror and i begin to say " I LIKE MYSELF"  Of course i eventually want to be able to say " I LOVE MYSELF"!  

Hill talks about the 6 ghosts of fear in this chapter and how to outwit them, Likewise on the monday call some more amazing nuggest began to fill this thick skull of mine and i thought about all the things Micheal was explaining about his recent trip for his network marketing company etc etc.. and I am Becoming aware of my ego more and more.. And i am learning that my fears are always based on uncertainty and criticism.

The ego is the minds need to project the  " I" ME" SELF IMPORTANCE" complex over anyone who challenges us or Presents us with a Criticism that threatens Our perception of ourselves.  Well like micheal says  "IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS WHAT ANYONE thinks of me!  "THE ONLY business of mine? Is what I THINK OF MYSELF!  why in the hell do i care what anyone says about me? its my dang ego man and I know that Micheal and the rest of you have all noticed my growth and i will continue to grow.. !! with self talk and  Staying CLOSE TO THE FIRE and the wonderful energy that makes up this entire mastermind group!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

WD-40 On Your Steak?‏


Hi  everyone how are you doing today? My name is chris peeters and i am With mentoring for free and we help people in any walk of life become successful in Network marketing, and in building  Relationships By Teaching people one of the MOST important Life and networking skills, and that skill is LISTENING!!!  We Help people become Better husbands, Mothers, Step Mothers, Step Fathers, Etc, If you Really want to grow then it needs to start within yourself and The belief that you can make anything possible! 
Has anybody ever fooled you with a novelty T-bone steak? It looks exactly like the real deal. You're ready to dig in. But something here isn't exactly right -
Oh, yeah - it's plastic.
It seems like a lot of people use that plastic steak as a model for the relationships they build in order to sell their products. They are looking at this very short-term. They think what's important is the immediate sa1e.
But the fact is, what's important is the long-term relationship. What will help you achieve your dreams is building strong relationships with people who have similar dreams. Plastic relationships will not do that.
The "Success In 10 Steps" eb00k gets right to the heart of living, breathing relationships. It's a tool you can use to help people be successful, where before they only experienced failure. That change of direction will mean the world to them, and that is why this ebook is such a powerful tool in building your network marketing business.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

my personal lesson plan for Chapter 14 of think and grow rich "The Sixth Sense"

Upon listening to this chapter i came across many different things in my mind, One being that the mental cleanse is a LIFE long journey because we have years and years of both positive and negative experiences to Sort through, and it is through this medium of the ether that the sixth sense is realized, and nourished or ignored, this sixth sense is our own inner guidance and feeds our imagination and in turn they feed one another.. 

I am on this path now because it has been calling me for years and years, i just chose to ignore its calling.. I always wanted to become an independant business operator.. making my own schedule, Having the dream of becoming abundant in every area of my life.. little did i know at the time that self development was SO IMPORTANT in making this happen. Micheal dlouhy always reminds us..

 "in order to make more you have to become more" It must be noted that the only way to do this is through A desire so powerful mixed with faith and subconcious re-programming that we get ourselves to this HIGHER State of awareness known as the sixth sense, Knowing within ourselves that we cannot fail is harnessed by practicing our positive self talk, Being around others who will elevate us when and IF we become discouraged.. there will be days where you may feel like quitting, but if you have a strong enough desire, mastermind group and a WHY that is so powerful that it reminds you that what you want is possible, then that feeling will pass rather quickly and you will want to go on and feel renewed and refreshed! 

If you are trying to figure out and Learn who you are? we can help you in many many ways.. We can help you with personal development, Learning the skills to create additional income from home and Much Much more, But it all begins with making a choice!  The choice to either own your life or keep living the way you are now.. Remember there are 2 kinds of people in the world.. Those who create results and those who make excuses!!! here are some links to help you get started!

Our 30 day mental cleanse mastermind group

Our Free Ebook "Success in 10 steps" by Micheal dlouhy which will Give you all the accurate truthful information about WHAT network marketing actually is all about and everything you need to know about MLM and the biggest mistakes people make in this industry! 

Contact me on facebook here ----

Mentoring for free... The place you can truly Build a team and Be part of a family!

Hello everyone  how are you doing today? my name is chris peeters and i am new network marketer and i would like to share some information with about who i am.. im 33 years old and believe in the higher power of this universe and would like to use the principles of the law of attraction to build my business as well help other people succeed in network marketing and personal development through education,training and coaching in a mastermind environment.

Network marekting is a relationship business Not a sales business.. There are many things inside of us as people however that we do need to Clean and Clear if we are to become professional network marketers and be the leaders that people want to be in business with.. We need to grow into the people that other people love being around... Its just that simple and personal development is a MUST! Micheal dlouhy Says it all the time on our 30 day mental cleanse call "in order to make more you need to become more"

 In order to be successful in network marketing you need to be Coachable and able to listen and help others realize their own dreams and aspirations While retaining the skills you need to help others do the same thing in their lives through the same process..with the mentoring for free pro system you will learn how to read the personality colors of people.. you will learn their big WHY for wanting to create a business and a life they have only dreamed of... it is up to YOU their mentor, friend, coach and educator to help them develop and point them in the right direction so that they may find the inner peace and desire and success they so rightfully deserve..

 So the question is what is your biggest desire?? how will you make it happen today??? PERSISTENCE is crucial and VITAL!!! thank you for your interest and my websites are as follows

 thank you !!!
Chris Peeters
~~Mentor And Friend For Life!~~

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

2,2,2, Books in one! The MLM system to help you succeed!

2, 2, 2 b

Hello everyone out here online! my name is Chris Peeters and im from Brandon Manitoba Canada
When the right people read "Success In 10 Steps", they get excited. The experiences and information in the eb00k speak to their heart. They recognize themselves in the description.
The result is, you wind up talking to a person who is probably exactly the person you want to work with, to help build their bus1ness - and yours. This book speaks to warriors, and they respond to it. Winning at netw0rk market1ng is always a battle, so you need people who will never, never quit. You need warriors.
But "Success In 10 Steps" is more. It also trains your warriors in exactly the right way to build their bus1ness. What to do, what not to do. And best of all, nobody has to become a salesperson. Just listen to the person's frustrations, and then point out the chapter of the book where they can get help.
If all you need to do is point, then truly, ANYONE can be successful using this eb00k.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link: