Hello everyone my Name Is Chris Peeters and I have a question for everyone out here, If your In network marketing are you getting the help you need?Do you know that this Industry is about building Relationships? If you help enough people get what they want then you will most certainly get what you want as well! People will join people they Know Like and Trust! You Will Create Retention if you have No agenda and you work With people 100% and put their success first!
What if you started building an M-L-M business, and then your company went belly-up? Don't laugh - it has happened to many, many people in this business. What would you do? Would you have to start over from scratch?
Well - NOT if you have strong trusting relationships with your people! If you have taken the time and made the effort to build that steel-ribbed "know, like, & trust," then your people will stick with you. They will follow you to your next company. They will trust in your judgment.
If you haven't built those relationships, your future is very much in doubt. Why take that chance? As you build your team, work hard at getting close to every person in your group. That strategy will pay off for you big-time, whether your current company is around forever or not.
I can help you learn and apply this principle. If you would like to plug into our ongoing, live trainings, then give me a call at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: chris , I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps", which you requested a few days ago. it. Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link: