Thursday, January 5, 2012

personal development and goal setting

hello everyone out there!! my name is chris peeters.. Id like to start off by saying thank you very much for coming to this blog!! happy new years to you all!!! I would like to get right down to brass tacks here... What are your goals? when is the last time you set a realistic goal for you and stuck with it? I know i know... you probably have set goals only to later realize that because you didnt achieve it that it was probably not meant to happen right? this is exactly the kind of thought process that is inhibiting you right now in this moment.. You see people everywhere are In to much of a hurry... we often think that rushing is the only choice we have in life.. only to be left to realize that we dont have a choice at all... thus the cycle continues of endless stress, anxiety about finances, family life, relationship problems.. etc.

The good news is it DOES NOT have to be this way... for you see we all have ONE power that we are all connected to.. its called the sub-concious mind and the link the sub concious mind has is one with the universe and all of its energies... we can only begin to understand just how vast the universe is.. But if you stop and look at the world around you... you will notice that NOTHING in nature ever STRAINS... nothing in nature is STRESSFUL... nature just TRUSTS in its own power to create... The same trust is essential in yourself if your going to transform your life.

It is absolutley essential for you to LEARN how to think... not WHAT to think. It is very easy to become wrapped up in stress, depression, anxiety etc... believe me i know.. ive been there many many times and i do still struggle at times... success is NOT instant. IT in itself is a LIFELONG journey of discovery, planning, Focus, and above all PERSISTANCE!!!  think of the great thomas edison... who invented the lightbulb??? if he had given up any of those 9999 times WE today would NOT have the lightbulb. It is only a burning desire within ourselves that will bring what is in us into its physical form before us. Then and only then will we truly KNOW that success is within our grasp.  We must learn to use defeat as opportunity to persist even further. Think of a great marathon runner.. donovin bailey.. or terry fox.. they had the power of dreaming since DAY 1.. they let NOTHING stop them no obstacle no negative thought.. no nothing... they persisted and persisted and persisted.. for it is ONLY a burning desire to win that will overcome EVERYTHING in this world.  In my next post i will discuss various methods of which your goals can be set in an easy format and questions you can ask yourself to Reflect upon.. take care for now

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