Friday, June 1, 2012

the lies that are told in network marketing

"click here youll make over 5000$ in your first 24 hours" sounds ridiculous doesnt it? the fact is These companies do exist.. they thrive on sign-ups, recruit driven business models and companies that promise huge payouts but never deliver... the fact is that these companies are scams... they tell you that you can make huge profits on signing up people...well let me ask you this... what is the point of signing up people if no one trusts you?  if your people drop out after 48 hours??? how ridiculous can it possibly get?? the fact is most network marketing companies do not train their people to create trust and build relationships with their people... and lets face it.. you wont get anywhere in business or life if you arent genuine, trustworthy or if you are selfish and ego focused... People do not join companies... people join people.. and no one gives a DAMN about your downline, your product or your company reps... they care about "can i do this"   "will anyone care enough about ME and MY goals to help ME succeed online" these are the questions your prospects have.. and their goals and dreams MUST be your first priority.. people can smell scams and con artists a mile away.

There is nothing worse than someone online telling you that in order to succeed it is all up to YOU... how in the hell can you build a company alone? how can you succeed alone?? you cant!!! you need a TEAM!!! and the way you build a team is by being a genuine caring individual and showing an interest in your prospects lives, their childrens names, their grandfathers and grandmothers names... etc... people are people NOT numbers... These idiot heavy hitters i see all over the internet make me so angry! and they get away with scamming people all the time and it needs to stop because it gives real networkers a bad name! it makes people believe that no one can be trusted and that everyone is out to take take take... and that simply is not true... Mentoring for free is the answer to this problem on the internet... we are a group of friends and volunteers... we never charge a dime for any of our training and skills calls... and so much more... we talk to you like a human being... we have no egos and no agendas... all of our training is generic and we teach you the skills you need to become successful and also educate you on how to identify the companies that are genuine and relationship driven and those that are scam artists... i hope this information is enlightening to you just as it has been to me, and i am confident that you will gain alot of insight by clicking on the links below and learning everything you need to know to make an educated choice!! i look forward to hearing from you! thank you

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