Friday, July 27, 2012

how to cure your anxiety permanently

Hello this is chris peeters and welcome to another one of my blog posts.. tonight id like to talk about anxiety disorders and how they manifest themselves.. Anxiety is born out of an over-reaction to a certain situation or fear inducing experience in which the person ruminates about the experience over and over and over again and develops a catastrophic habitual simuli that forms new neural pathways in the brain that trigger the amygdala inside the sub-concious mind.. over time the habit of constant anxiety rewires the amygdala to become stuck in the "on" position which creates all of the fear, and anxious thoughts and feelings that lead to destructive thinking patterns and obsessive thoughts of harm or that the person is mentally ill and somatizes these feelings by habit.. Fortunatley curing anxiety is exactly the same as manifesting it..

1- You have to IGNORE the anxiety and realize that the sensations cannot and will not cause you any
physical or mental harm..

2-It is important that you know that you are NOT mentally or physically ill..You have a BEHAVIORAL condition that was formed through HABIT.. therefore it is Not permanent and will not hurt you in anyway

3-Come off of your medications... speak to your doctor and tell him or her that you arent willing to allow a condition to dictate the rest of youre life and Take control..

4- It is critical that you stop talking about it or Searching for answers on the internet...this only continues the anxious habits... the more you focus on it.. the more it will keep perpetuating itself.. it is vital that you learn
that this was all created by you and your mind... which should indicate to you that YOU CAN take control of it and stop it once and for all!!!

5--throw yourself into something youve never done before and Keep doing it.. It is vital that you learn NEW non anxious behaviors!!! this means that you have to Recondition your subconcious mind with the same Learning behavior that caused your anxiety in the first place!!! Meaning the more new things you learn through operant conditioning Will replace your anxiety habit with new non anxious habits....

More information is available at this website

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