The emotions are a strange anomaly.. and they can either Hinder or Propel us.. we often become confused as to why we have emotions because When negative outcomes happen we want to blame others Instead of ourselves. We always look to point the finger at someone else. Why? Because Misery loves company and Instead of taking personal responsibility people have allowed themselves to be influenced by others Thus allowing Themselves to Become subjected to things that they do not want therefore when Something bad happens we AUTOMATICALLY blame someone else because of Habitual conditioning and the enivornment for which that habit has CREATED..
Now on the Flip side of all of this When we Project POSITIVE Emotions into our sub-concious minds we can learn how to communicate better with the universe, With ourselves, and with others. Love and Hate are 2 of our STRONGEST emotions because BOTH are the blueprints for what we physically manifest into our everyday awareness. It makes so much SENSE! when you stop and think about it Does anything really have to be HARD? NO!!! the bottom line is FAITH! belief in the infinite power and learning how to communicate with your inner voice thus projecting your Concious mind into the sub-concious which connects with the SUPER-CONCIOUS!!! the universe! I am greatful for the knowledge i am receiving from mentoring for free.. This superb book and from everyone ive encountered No matter WHAT the knowledge presents itself as I AM GREATFUL because i am LEARNING!! I am learning to OWN MY MIND and own my life..
. i am distancing myself from pukey negative people who want to do nothing but complain complain complain about their lives.. Its so childish and accomplishes NOTHING.. but people somehow find in themselves to JUSTIFY it on the assumption that being RIGHT is the most important thing in this life... HOW WRONG THEY TRULY are.. no one NEEDS To be right in order to have validity and purpose.. it is only what we STRIVE for and DESIRE That brings truth and purpose to our lives... Thank you to everyone in MFF you are all inspirations to me and i am GREATFUL for all of you!
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