I wanted to share an article with you all that my new friend ron tarlton has written and here it is
"I have been struggling for almost 2 years now trying to find something that would produce a lucrative income. All I have found is Sales Artists and Hyped up Gurus that want to sell you anything and every thing that doe’s not work, promise you training, they throw in a few videos and maybe a couple of eBooks as bonus and that is your training folks, wish you well and poof they are gone, laughing all the way to the bank.
A friend of mine Chris Peters felt my pain and reached out to me, he introduced me to Mentoring For Free founded by a gentleman named Michael Delouhy. I have only been involved with Mentoring For Free for about 3 weeks now but I have learned more in 3 weeks than i have learned in the last couple of years.
Michael has vast knowledge in MLM and has made millions of dollars over a 30 + year career. He is the most humble man I have ever met. He holds training calls twice a day Mon. thru Thur. takes Friday off and more training call on Saturday. He also is the author of several books one of which he gives away to anyone that wants the knowledge. (Success In 10 Steps) There is more information in Chapter 5 than any one person can consume at one setting and it is valuable information that I have not heard anyone talk about before. It is well written so that anyone can understand it.
Michael has vast knowledge in MLM and has made millions of dollars over a 30 + year career. He is the most humble man I have ever met. He holds training calls twice a day Mon. thru Thur. takes Friday off and more training call on Saturday. He also is the author of several books one of which he gives away to anyone that wants the knowledge. (Success In 10 Steps) There is more information in Chapter 5 than any one person can consume at one setting and it is valuable information that I have not heard anyone talk about before. It is well written so that anyone can understand it.
The training calls are great, they last about an hour. Michael does not care what company you are with, there is no mention of any company allowed and his training can be applied to all business and in my opinion all phases of life. As I get more Training there will be more articles. All marketers new and old could benefit from this program."
Rons website is at the following link http://tourismbudget.com/
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