Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Importance of learning to Tolerate others if your going to be successful In lIfe

What does it mean to be tolerant, Well for me it comes in the form of knowing That everyone has differences in opinions, Beliefs, Feelings, And internal representations of Outside Stimuli.  I know that everyone perceives reality differently.. And it is through this difference in perception that one forms belief systems and internal representations.

When people come together and Get to know one another they either will grow and learn from each other, Or they will fight and argue because one party feels that their perceptions and opinions are more valid and concrete than the other, This is what is known as Intolerance and it causes alot of Disarray and Un-necessary conflict between people because intolerance stems from the ego. Ego is the most Counter productive force when it comes to co-operation and Teamwork, Things like your Idiosyncrasies and How you represent reality become of little importance when working together with people to achieve A desired outcome!!

The ego then should be only there when Self preservation is a factor and only when it is absolutley needed Like when One is defending ones opinions or rights and beliefs.  Let us now focus on Tolerance and how it can be developed, Tolerance can be developed through Learning from anyone who has entered your life, We all have something to offer someone else as long as our intentions are pure and honest and are coming from a place of selflessness and Compassion. and a true desire to be of inspiration to another persons goals and endevour.

Working together towards a common goal is a Learned process that requires a mastermind group of people all Planning and reviewing, Doing, and adjusting , Identifying Strengths and weaknesses within each other And then Helping one another Overcome those weakness through organized planning, Specialized knowledge , Faith and Desire.  It is necessary That we have an attitude of Humility and Be free of the need to defend ourselves.  If the need to defend yourself Should arise then these people obviously are intolerant  and Do not possess the qualities of a leader Or a true friend and positive influence for your life!

Leadership involves admitting your weaknesses and Learning from your followers... Truly leading means that you leave footprints that anyone can follow And by doing so you can duplicate success time and time again Because you know what it takes to Be a Real leader and a Tolerant being so that you are approachable and can Induce others to be Co-Operative.

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