If you have Sub-concious Counter intentions then that is the filter that is Seperating you from the divine, And these sub concious counter intentions are based on MEMORIES, and Beliefs that have been installed in your subconcious mind over time and it comes from a wide variety of sources, The tv programs you watched, the people you have hung around with, The media and more.. Now It is imperative that you understand that These are Only programs and memories and these can be Taken care of and Dissolved and Erased.
The hidden beliefs that hold you back are Deep within your subconcious mind, Now the good news is that There are Cleaning and Clearing methods that you can Use To Begin to dissolve these Limitations. In my Last Blog post I Spoke about Self Identity Ho'oponopono and the power of This cleaning process, I also explained The origin of this famous Philosophy and How it works...
Now for your Refreshment i Will elaborate on it again, Because this is One of the Cleaning methods that you can use to begin to dissolve those counter beliefs within you that are holding you back from succeeding This process is very simple to do.. It begins with you Holding in your awareness ANY limiting belief that you have, And the good news is You dont have to specifically Know what the belief is!!! All you need to know is that the beliefs are there...You begin by saying the following " I love you, Im sorry, Please Forgive me, And thank you! Say this constantly at least 200 times per day. This will become One of your New positive Self talks! As you do this you will begin to notice a Shift In your perception!
Clarity Is essential to making the law of attraction work FOR YOU... Now its vital that you remember that the law of attraction is always working! IT IS A LAW! it doesnt work sometimes and then not other times, That very belief is Wrong! If the law of gravity only worked sometimes then life would be very hard now wouldnt it? This is the same thing!!! you have total faith and belief in the law of gravity right? Well this applies here as well! You must trust in the DIVINE! you have to get into Clarity and understanding of why your reality unfolds the way it does.. You cannot Blame the world, People, or Circumstances! The all may Seem Totally illogical, But that is another LIMITING belief you have within yourself that needs to be CLEANED and CLEARED!!! Its that simple.
Let me go into another cleaning method that I am currently also using Is Gratitude! Make a list of things you are Greatful for!! Here is my personal list
1-I am Greatful For my Mother! She has been One of the most influential and supportive People i have ever Known! my mother is Loving, Caring, Considerate and Strong!
2- I am greatful For my Girlfriend Camila, She has been one of the most loving caring people i have
Ever known, She is so understanding, trustworthy, Caring and honest!
3- I am Greatful For my Job With the Winnipeg Free Press And the Brandon Sun. This Job has Helped Me
Earn a Living and Save money to Begin building my Business
4- I am Greatful For The Mentoring For Free Community This group of people have been amazing! This program has Helped Me continue to grow and Learn the skills that i need to become a professional network marketer and Overall Better person.
5-I am greatful for my Team in IT WORKS GLOBAL! Because they are helping me to grow my business and Expand my income and Help everyone on our team Achieve Financial Freedom!
6- I am Greatful for my roomates David And Zachery.. Dave had been my friend for over 14 years and He has Been with me through alot of dark times in my life.. He is a brother. My roomate Zach Is a new addition to my life But Zach has proven to be very kind, And caring and trustworthy. Zach has now become a brother as well.
7- I am Greatful for my Cat Sinndel She is amazing, A beautiful Tuxedo Breed. Sinndel has been the Closest Cat ive ever had in my life... I love her so much.
8-I am Greatful for my home and the Location That i live in
9-I am Greatful For The Missing Secret by Dr Joe Vitale, This program is Helping Me to Dissolve The Subconcious Counter Intentions within me that is Blocking the law of attraction from working In my favor in every instance!!! Below you will Find a short Preview Video on this program!
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