Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter III of think and grow rich --Faith--

So, the next chapter in the process of developing the Success conciousness arrives with us in this weeks chapter on faith, Let me begin by acknowledging the progress i have made so far in this endevour to make myself better.. I know that In the previous chapter i was to craft my burning desire and obsession for success and personal growth and development.  I am Learning that one can have a burning desire and a white hot obsession to succeed, But what we must also come to know is that Without the CRITICAL elixir of Faith, desire becomes useless.. We have to DARE SOMETHING WORTHY of belief before we can ever achieve it, I know that raising my level of deservingness is the ONLY way for the divine conciousness to hear my calls of desire and what it is i indeed "Want". 

With all of this being said i remember stating in my previous lesson that we in mentoring for free help one another grow constantly, through new ideas using our creative imaginations and also the elements of compassion and love by being there for one another in times when our Faith and desire might become questioned by our old sub concious habits of sabotage! This is where our SELF TALK comes into play, it is the antidote for Negative counter intentive beliefs that will only cripple us IF WE ALLOW THEM to do so! i have Understood myself and my reality More and more as i immerse myself in this process of Belief and A higher understanding of myself.  In order for me to make more i have to become more and at first listen that seems impossible for most people, but we can assure them that if they stay close to the fire and LEARN with us that they too can HAVE ,DO , or be ANYTHING they want!!! We are all in this together!!! KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE PEOPLE!!!! 

With love and respect for you all

chris peeters
P.S here is a link to our 30 day mental cleanse fourm where you can sign up and begin your
Journey to abundance and Success with us Http://30daymentalcleanse.info

MLM Pr0spect, But Employee Mindset‏

I saw a comment from a successful internet marketer this week that I think is very important to consistently remind yourself of.
Almost everybody we talk to about network marketing is an employee. They come from an employee mindset. Very few are actually business owners.
The employee mindset is: "OK. I really want to be successful on my own. I don't want to have a boss. I want to make more money. What do I do?"
The employee mindset is NOT: "OK. I'm going to work this out for myself and come up with my own business plan."
And the point this guy was making is, the most important word when you are talking to a prospect is "system."
Let me repeat that. Heck, let me SCREAM that.
You've got to give them a step-by-step system. They have to see a system that can work for them. You have to show them how it has worked for others, and you have to show them, step-by-step, exactly what they will do with it.
But it's more than just that. Your prospect not only has the opportunity to use a system that is tested and proven to work, but they also have the opportunity to talk to their prospects about that tested, proven system - which every prospect needs and wants. It's really important. That is exactly what this guy is talking about.
You need to hammer prospects about the system. I mean, REALLY hammer them on this. Most prospects think, "Oh, this company has a great product. That's what I need." Or, "Oh, I'm personally sponsored by the heavy hitter. That's what I need." Or, "It's been proven that this compensation plan pays out 80%, and over 90% of the people who use it are successful."
Most prospects need to use the Success In 10 Steps ebok to have success, but some won't. Everybody knows that a new person needs a tested, proven system to start with. If you can find a better, tested proven system, fine. We've used this one for 4 years, and it constantly produces the targeted leads we want.
That's what those with the "employee mindset" need more than anything - good prospects to talk to. Just getting a few really targeted prospects a week can change their lives.
System? Yes. Use it. And talk to your prospects about it. Believe me, they know they need it.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: chris , I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps", which you requested a few days ago. it. Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!?

Hello To you all here on Ibo toolbox! how are you today? Let me ask you something , If that "heavy hitter guru" that tells you  "Network marketing is just a numbers game, Or they tell you If its to be its up  to you, And the  one you're talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity. People buy from people that they have an emotional Attachment with, Otherwise Known as a relationship! One of KNOW LIKE AND TRUST!! This is not an industry of Sheering sheep and Slaughtering the little guy while the People at the top make all the profits! People want to Own their lives so that they can get AWAY FROM THE CORPERATE GREED AND EGO DRIVEN B.S! So just think about that the next time you See one of those "videos that will maximize your profits in 24 hours" its all garbabe! This business is coaching, mentoring, Relationships and Inspiring people to reach their dreams! 

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you'll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady's ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new M-L-M company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However - in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there's nothing particularly wrong with that. It's pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest. That's how life works.

However - when you are willing to damage someone else in order to satisfy your own greed, that is a totally different story. Ethical people will not do that. It's important for your success that you choose people in your life who scrupulously avoid hurting others in their dealings.

And this story Michael tells about his Texas visit features a bunch of people who were not THAT scrupulous group of people. It's a very worthwhile point to make with your prospects, again and again and again. It resonates with them.

To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.

To Your Success,

chris peeters


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My personal lesson plan for Think and grow rich Chapter II- Desire-

The turning point in which everyone succeeds, Comes at the point when people actually discover the "their other selves" Every Situation that Presents itself As A Temporary Defeat, Brings with it the Seed of Equivelent Success.  Cpernicus, Ford, Edison, Lincoln, The Wright brothers, Markoni, And many other great leaders of this world Have all experienced Failure On numerous occasions, the Reason They became successful is the State of mind Known as A White hot burning obsession TO become successful, This state of mind Does not recognize failure and it doesnt Permit an alliby known as "Failure". The world in this day will change when people become concious of their own potential power to Convert their thoughts and Emotions into physical form. 

Let us Now push forward  And bring with us here in mentoring for free, everyone who needs our help We are the Dawn of a new age of understanding and Inspiration for those who Definitley Want what We offer here.. This group is so powerful because We constantly Draw off of each others ideas and Beliefs.

 We all push each other to grow and LEAVE BEHIND THE MEMORIES and BELIEFS WHICH DO NOT SERVE US or serve others, Life Always offers us a choice, It presents the Free will known as Thought which leads to action. Taking action when we are inspired is the Key to Developing the Success Habit formula. Consistency in our self talk and Our daily efforts to take action to move ourselves and our Teams forward Is a critical element to our Own legacy that we can leave For everyone we come into contact with.  

We Can touch and change lives forever, One other point i would like to elaborate on for anyone who is Currently The mentoring for free system is this, We are NOT responsible for anyones success in their life, People MUST make the concious Effort and the DECISION to possess the burning obsession and DESIRE that they will Achieve what they want! I thank each and everyone of you who has touched my life and helped me realize that constant growth is not only Essential, But it must become HABITUAL!!! Thank you to you all

With love and appreciation
Chris peeters

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hannibal The Cannibal and Network Marketing‏

Hello everyone how are you doing? I know we've all, at one time or another, experienced a snake or two in the upline. But where else, other than early in "Success In 10 Steps", will you ever see Hannibal The Cannibal connected to netw0rk    marketing?
The purpose of any headline or subhead is to force the reader to keep reading - to ensure that they cannot put your piece down. And that's how we get to the section, "Hannibal Lechter Missed His Calling."
So if you want to keep people reading, you have to get their attention. Hannibal Lechter got a lot of attention in Silence of the Lambs because he had his friends for dinner - along with fava beans and a nice chablis.
It's pretty difficult for anyone not to at least take a glance at THAT train wreck!
And for sure, YOU can creatively invoke Hannibal Lechter when you talk with a prospect. I guarantee you that nobody they've ever talked to before has connected Hannibal with netw0rk market1ng. You will definitely create an unforgettable impression.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.  Our My Link to the ebook 
To Your Success,
chris peeters

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In M-L-M, The Marketing Will Build Your Empire‏

Early in "Success In 10 Steps", you can read about "the monk in the white lab coat." I don't think it's just the people I've talked to recently. I can definitely remember when I used to think this way. I Remember how much i struggled to find the answers i was seeking.. The course i should take was unfounded, I couldnt Even Begin to understand where i was going wrong... 
There are just a LOT of people who believe that far and away THE #1 reason to choose a network marketing company is the product. And even after talking with them a bit, it is a very tough idea to dislodge. But this concept is wrong, But its NOT the prospects fault.. It is the Company Business model that Drives this behavior in the field.. and it ALWAYS will.. 
M-L-M companies must have a great product to compete in today's market. But it is effective marketing, not a product, that will either build an empire or not. Specifically, you should be searching for a group with an effective, results-producing marketing program in place. So it's important to give prospects as much evidence as you possibly can that product focus is not what will build them a great income from home.
To have any hope for building a successful MLM business, they have to get this concept. If all they want is a great product, that's fine. If they don't care about the money, no problem. They can do whatever the heck they want to do.
But most people - and certainly most of the people your prospect will be talking to about the business - are looking to make money at it. And if you ask even this product-focused prospect, you can pretty much be 100% sure they'll say, "Well, yeah - I want the money!"
And to do that, you've got to have those other 4 Pillars in place - not just the product. So page 14 is a very good place to point your prospect to, to make that point and get them headed in the right direction.
to build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call. The Link for our free ebook is Http://cpeeters.bigmlmtruths.com
To Your Success,
chris peeters