Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter III of think and grow rich --Faith--

So, the next chapter in the process of developing the Success conciousness arrives with us in this weeks chapter on faith, Let me begin by acknowledging the progress i have made so far in this endevour to make myself better.. I know that In the previous chapter i was to craft my burning desire and obsession for success and personal growth and development.  I am Learning that one can have a burning desire and a white hot obsession to succeed, But what we must also come to know is that Without the CRITICAL elixir of Faith, desire becomes useless.. We have to DARE SOMETHING WORTHY of belief before we can ever achieve it, I know that raising my level of deservingness is the ONLY way for the divine conciousness to hear my calls of desire and what it is i indeed "Want". 

With all of this being said i remember stating in my previous lesson that we in mentoring for free help one another grow constantly, through new ideas using our creative imaginations and also the elements of compassion and love by being there for one another in times when our Faith and desire might become questioned by our old sub concious habits of sabotage! This is where our SELF TALK comes into play, it is the antidote for Negative counter intentive beliefs that will only cripple us IF WE ALLOW THEM to do so! i have Understood myself and my reality More and more as i immerse myself in this process of Belief and A higher understanding of myself.  In order for me to make more i have to become more and at first listen that seems impossible for most people, but we can assure them that if they stay close to the fire and LEARN with us that they too can HAVE ,DO , or be ANYTHING they want!!! We are all in this together!!! KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE PEOPLE!!!! 

With love and respect for you all

chris peeters
P.S here is a link to our 30 day mental cleanse fourm where you can sign up and begin your
Journey to abundance and Success with us Http://30daymentalcleanse.info

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