Chapter 10.. Power of the mastermind, The 9th step towards riches. Elusive is the energy of prosperity if we choose to ignore its Awareness.. We all have the ability Or inability to decide what we permit to occupy our thought process.. We either choose to program ourselves or let The negativity That others may bestow upon us to do our programming for us...
Micheal And ken and many others in this mastermind Tell us "guys how many times a day are you saying your self talk"? Some more examples of wisdom from Micheal and ken are "Who are you listening to?" I understand this quite well and I am learning that If i Keep staying plugged into this mastermind that the thought energy that you all feed me is of a positive nature and with it my business is growing and i am Determined to achieve my goals and Dreams.
What do i give in return? Well this month alone i have helped 2 people avoid being lured into a ponzi scheme and its Nonsense.. I offer them the Opportunity to Learn by giving them the ebook.. The calls, Then the coaching call.. Another principle of the mastermind! the easy 1-2-3 steps to success. This 1-2-3 System merely opens the door for potential in the Student, It is then up to the student to continue to Stay Plugged into the Life force Of positive Energy known as Mentoring for free.. I am thrilled that i am growing more and more as a leader. I am Greatful for every Constructive criticism, Insight, And inspiration that This mastermind has offered me!
I Am also so happy that i can share my Knowledge and growing expertise with others and induce them to Believe in themselves, By teaching them that their Lack of success IS NOT their fault!!! you are truly a greatful entity of people and i thank you all for Helping me Learn who i am by Allowing me to Express myself and Grow with you In this incredible journey we are all on together!!! KEEP THE FAITH!
Chris peeters
Brandon MB
P.S there are 2 kinds of people in this world Those who own their minds and their lives and those who dont! This is your call to action! Take it!
Click here to Go to our 30 day mental cleanse To tegister for free and begin the process of learning HOW to think not What to think!
Click here to Download Our Free ebook Success in 10 steps by micheal dlouhy And begin learning the accurate truthful information that will Garuantee you success in Network marketing!
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