Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Lesson plan for Chapter VI of think and grow rich -Organized Planning-

Me And Tom "Big Al" Schrieter

Wow, Can anyone say "nuggets"?  This chapter was truly amazing, Each time i go through this Book  time and time again i learn something new through each chapter , Hill talks about the importance of organized planning!  Mr Micheal Dlouhy did an amazing leadership skills call this past monday And i was So Enlightened by his words!  Napoleon Hill speaks to us here about the Importance of the mastermind and Harmony within your group of minds that you have chosen to exchange ideas and thoughts with!  The importance of leadership was also dissected deeply in this chapter and I am in full compliance of what is being tought about leadership here in this chapter!

I remember when i first got started here at mentoring for free a little less than 3 years ago and i was a very different person then and i had alot of habits and programming holding me back from really getting myself immersed in this process known as "Personal Development" But day by day and week by week I got closer and closer towards forming the habit of Following through on my PLANS to get on the calls, Get Ebook downloads and follow up with my Clients.  You may ask me a question here like "Well was it easy to change all of that negative procrastination and self doubt"? the answer is NO! it certainly was not!  Here i am 3 years later, Still close to the Fire... Still getting ebook downloads, And still posting lessons, and no matter what I Will never quit Finding my carpenters to build my team for my business!  I now also host our colors call 3 nights a week as well.. An honor that was bestowed upon me with the decision my Mr Micheal Dlouhy and Mr Brian Redding.  

Micheal and Brian Believe in me Enough as a student of their guidance and teachings to Allow me to step up and demonstrate my Humbleness and leadership skills by giving me full Control as a moderator on that call... Without the aid of planning and Persistence? I wouldnt have this role Given to me.  I recognize that i must remain humble and Compassionate to all whom are embarking on this journey with us here In mentoring for free! 

I AM A WINNER AND I WILL NEVER QUIT! I want to help my mom, my sister and everyone whom I sponsor OWN THEIR LIFE!!! 
Thank you to everyone for your contribution to helping me manifest into the leader I am becoming! 

Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba
~~Friend and mentor For Life~~

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monks, mold, & M-L-M secrets‏

Me And Tom Big Al Schreiter at One of the Work Shops
In Winnipeg Manitoba! 

Many people believe the best thing for them to do to have success is to study books on specific products and services. They read books on how some monk who fasts 6 days a week, wears a special linen robe spun from the finest silk worms, and how he scrapes mold off the dark side of rocks 3 feet under an algae cover pond on some unknown mountain. Or they study how some "whatcha-ma-call-it" connects to their "thing-a-ma-gig" for their long distance service they offer.
I think you get the picture. The big question you should be asking yourself through all of this is ñ What's your product? Is it pills and potions? Is it skin care? Is it cell phones? Is it-? I could list hundreds, but I won't. I am willing to guess that like most people, you may not have a clue. That's okay. My friend Penny Dude didn't either until she met Michael Dlouhy and learned what was in Success In Ten Steps. To read Penny's story, go to:
If you want to learn more on how you can understand what your product is and add more to your bottom line, then give me a call at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: if you miss this one concept, I guarantee you will continue to struggle in any program you work. Success In Ten Steps can reveal more insights than you could learn at a high priced seminar with gurus who are there to get you to buy all their books, tapes, and CDs. I encourage you to invest in yourself. Download and read the eBook today.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Up To Your Elbows In Diamonds‏ with Success in 10 steps!

It's tough to find actual, honest-to-goodness duplication in network marketing. Duplication usually goes just 1 level down. Why? Because the system being used is not duplicatable. People think it will be, but it rarely works.
Using the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook in one team, Michael sponsored Don. Don sponsored Paula. Paula sponsored Judi. Judi sponsored Sarah. Sarah sponsored Marilyn. They all sponsored a lot of other people too, using the ebook, but you should focus on THIS amazing leg for 1 important reason: they all made Diamond, a very high achievement (and well-rewarded and recognized) level in that company.
If you truly want to build a profitable M-L-M business with any company, you won't find a better system. Most people who start in network marketing do not have a system that duplicates. Chances of success in that situation are pretty close to zero. "Success In 10 Steps" can make all the difference in your m-l-m future.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Lesson plan for Chapter VI -Imagination-

Tom Big Al Schrieter, My Mom and Me.

I had the most amazing beginning to my week that ive had all year! On october 20th/2014 Myself, Roger, My mom and our friend derek traveled to Winnipeg Manitoba to See the MLM legend Mr Tom Big Al Schrieter! It was a seminar on the Skills needed to Close people and It really opened my eyes to many many things about people and the sub-concious mind and how Decisions are made... WOW! i had so many "AHH HAH" moments seeing tom again!

He instantly recognized me and Roger and welcomed us back! He said hello to my mom and our friend Derek. This experience was Just like being Next to Mr micheal Dlouhy himself because i felt like Micheal Shouldve been sitting right there beside me! My Creative Imagination Now has More tools to use For my Network marketing business ventures! I am practicing the Skills Im learning through BIG AL and Mentoring for free Daily even in my normal conversations with people! 

Napoleon Hill Discusses The Importance of exercising the creative Imagination Through Habits and practice, Well I Relate this back to Our Positive Self talk, being on the calls, Speaking up on the calls And Getting over our fears of rejection When we talk to people, If we know HOW to speak to the sub concious Mind Directly Which in turn is responsible for decisions then we Wont Get rejected! 

We are in the DECISION making Business, NOT the Skin care, Legal Shield, Nutrition, Etc etc Business.. Our companies do all of this for us! IT is OUR job as distributors to Get our prospects to make a decision, Nothing more! As we grow and Learn Skills, Our creative imagination Becomes Stronger and When we exercise a muscle it gets stronger and Responds As second Nature! It then becomes apparent That the creative faculty of our mind has to be used and Worked Just like We would a new exercise Routine to a group of muscles In our body so that it no longer becomes "difficult"  After seeing BIG AL and hearing His Experience in network marketing I am now more than ever before ON FIRE! my desire for success is WHITE HOT and NOTHING will take me out of this mastermind, Or My business!!!

Thank you to you all! 
Love and Appreciation
Chris Peeters

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Become a Great Closer without being pushy and aggressive!

Hi, Chris peeters here with mentoring for free and I wanted to Post about A mentor who is A great leader and inspiration to us all here @ mentoring for free  We teach people how to brand themselves as leaders with No agenda, You have to care about people to be successful in MLM! Its just that simple, so lets get to it! 

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter here. Let’s talk about …


If we don’t close our prospects and get a “Yes” decision, then we won’t get paid. It is just that simple. Yet, new distributors avoid learning closing skills, as they think you have to be pushy, enjoy rejection, and almost be anti-social to be a good closer.

That’s not true. Professional closers know how to make the decision-making process easy for the prospect, and they know how to do it free from rejection. It is just a skill we learn, like learning to drive a car, or learning to use a cell phone.

So why don’t we like closing? Because we are taught closing techniques from the 1960s, and those techniques are anti-social, pushy, and should be rejected by prospects. They are ugly. Want some examples of 1960s-style, pushy closes?

* Do you want to pay by cash or check?
* Do you want to join now, or next Tuesday?
* What is it going to take to get you into this car today?
* What part of MY presentation did you like the most?
* On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you see your enthusiasm?
* Don’t you love your family?
* Any three-year-old can see this is a good opportunity. Do you have a problem with that?
* What part of my presentation didn’t you understand, so that I can repeat it to you more slowly?

Yes, these closes are ugly, and yes, they should be rejected. No wonder new distributors are scared of closing.

As professionals, we know we are in the “closing” business. Our job is to get prospects to make a “Yes” decision to join, or to be a customer.

Yet, at my live workshops, when I ask distributors to “Write down your best one-sentence close,” … almost no one has even a simple one-sentence close. Think about this. If we are in the closing business, and we have no close … it doesn’t get any more frustrating than this.

So if you are reading this newsletter, let me encourage you to do one of two things.

#1. If you have good, professional closes, please invest the time to teach your downline these closing skills immediately. We don’t want to send out our new distributors as “human target practice” for mean prospects. We have an obligation to help our new distributors, because when they join, they don’t have these types of skills. Please take the time to give them some easy, rejection-free closes, so they can get some immediate results.

#2. If you don’t have good professional closes, get some now. We are in the “closing” business. I haven’t written my book on closing yet. I have a few other books in the queue first. So start learning how the human mind makes decisions. Avoid the anti-social closes of the 1960s. So much more has been discovered about closing since then.

If you don’t want to do the reading and research on your own, you can join our “Closing Classes” in November. These classes are free to members of FortuneNow.com. (http://www.fortunenow.com/public/10.cfm) We will learn the five different levels of closing, how the subconscious mind makes decisions, how to close under the radar so even the prospect doesn’t know they have been closed, etc. Lots of fun audios and discussions to change our closing techniques … forever.

If you want to get “Yes” decisions quickly, start learning the science of decisions on your own, or join our November classes at:

Regardless of which way you decide to learn, it will make your business grow faster, and reduce or eliminate rejection for your new team members.

* * * * * * 
A sponsoring method that is just too easy.

This is a great way to turn a cold prospect into an entrepreneur. It takes less than a minute, and is so easy, it’s almost illegal.

Ask your prospect to:

1. Write down three things he likes to do.

2. Then, write down how much time he spends doing each of those three things.

Ask the prospect, “Who is in charge of your time?”

Then, explain how network marketing can make the prospect in charge of his time.

* * * * * * 
Everyone is a salesman. Just look at somebody asking for a raise or proposing for marriage.

* * * * * * 
“Getting even with your negative brother-in-law.”

Smile, and simply say:

“There are two types of people in the world, those that are open-minded, looking for opportunity, and those that have given up all hope in life and are just waiting to die.”

* * * * * * 
Coffee machine chatter.

You are standing by the coffee machine at work talking to co-workers. Just casually say:

“If we didn’t have to work for a living, what would you be doing right now?”

Now, you have started a fun conversation that might lead to great prospects.

* * * * * * 
“Big Al” Workshop Schedule. 

Discover the exact magic words and phrases to get your ideas across to your prospects, rejection-free. 

Toronto, Canada area
Sunday October 19, 6pm-9pm

Winnipeg, Canada
Monday October 20, 7pm-10pm

Phoenix, AZ
Thursday October 23, 7pm-10pm

San Diego, CA
Friday October 24, 7pm-10pm
More info coming soon.

Los Angeles, CA
Saturday October 25, 6pm-9pm

Las Vegas, NV
Sunday October 26, 6pm-9pm

Atlanta, GA
Monday October 27, 7pm-10pm

Tampa, FL
Tuesday October 28, 7pm-10pm

Orlando, FL
Wednesday October 29, 7pm-10pm

More info at:


* * * * * * 
If you want to go beyond sponsoring distributors, and start building leaders now, you will want this easy step-by-step approach to creating new leaders on your team now.

Which would rather have on your team? 100 semi-committed distributors, or a few self-sufficient leaders who take responsibility for their results?

Available in Kindle, paperback, and audio.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

my Lesson plan for Chapter 5 of think and grow rich -Specialized knowledge-

Me and my kitty! sinndel!

School, its a funny thing isnt it? People put their kids through school, and they tell them " you need a good education to get somewhere in life" while there may be some truth to this statement, Generalized knowledge is but of little use when it comes to the accumulation of money or success, They say "knowledge is power" but it is nothing of the sort! knowledge is only Potential power! 

Knowledge is only power when it is turned into APPLICATION and serves a useful purpose to whom all it can benefit! That is when knowledge becomes POWERFUL! here in the 30 day mental cleanse "We learn HOW to think not What to think" Which is also the tagline for mentoring for free.. Do you think its by accident? No it is not! Micheal Dlouhy and The senior mentors are here to guide us with what they KNOW WORKS!  

Indeed, this is another shining example of Specialized knowledge! We have alot of Specialized knowledge here In mentoring for free, We have  MR Richard Dennis who teaches us marketing Skills, We have Micheal dlouhy and Ken Klemm who teach us Leadership Skills!  We have the 30 day mental cleanse in which we learn personal Development Skills, and much much more! 

This is a clear Concise group of individuals here that make up this incredible mastermind, and We all benefit from it!!  We share a common goal which is to Lead and inspire others to become everything they were meant to be in life!  I am recognizing my abilities As a person who is growing using this wonderful system, and by staying close to the fire I am learning of my true potential and awakening the power within myself! And it is all thanks to this wonderful group of friends and leaders i have met along the way! thank you so much to you all!!!

with Love and appreciation
Chris Peeters

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Personal Lesson Plan for Chapter IV -AutoSuggestion

Me and My Niece

What Radio station are you tuned into? Is it Clarity or confusion? Your thoughts are reflections of everything you have experienced, Memories are formed Through Experience that Embeds itself into the neural pathways That contribute to our HABITS. Memories and Habits are products of the Same thing , Self Administered stimuli, Napoleon Hill Speaks to us in this chapter about the power of auto-suggestion and how we have to become Success concious.. Negativity will become like a mental forest fire if we allow it to! 

Culmination Of Positive habits and Emotions is only Created by Self Talk And Cancelling out the chatter that Bombards us everyday, Whether it be people in our lives, the television, The radio or the newspaper.. BLOCK IT OUT people!  Remember you are your own master.. our minds have the ability to attract The most positive experiences by  feeding it Desirable Food , OR by neglect the most negative experiences By Feeding it Garbage!  

I am learning all the time.. I remember WHY Mentoring for free and network marketing has entered my life, There Is fire inside of my soul that can never be Extinguished Or Compromised by anyone or anything... MY why makes me cry and i KNOW i would Survive a nuclear Holocaust... my why is the most powerful driving force  I have ever conceived! There is a power In this mastermind that Cannot be Duplicated or Emulated! We have everything we need here In mentoring for free

Chris Peeters

The Mistake M-L-M Leaders Make‏

me and my niece

Network marketing hotshots often tell their downlines, "You have to change. You have to get out there and sell. If you want to be successful, you have to change and get good at selling."
The truth is, YOU are perfect just like you are. Everybody on your team is perfect just like they are. They don't need to change. They don't need to become a pushy, aggressive salesperson.
Ninety-two per-cent of the world's population is sales resistant. You don't like to be sold. You walk into a store, looking for shoes. You want to look around, pick out what YOU want. You don't want some clerk coming around, telling you they have a sale on such & such a shoe. You want to shop & buy what YOU want. Maybe you'll ask for a clerk, once you've decided what you want.
It's really just a small group in network marketing who tell the others that they have to change, they have to become this pushy, aggressive salesperson, make a list of your friends & family and go puke all over them, force them into the business.
This doesn't work. People won't do it. What works is to have a tested, proven system that brings a steady stream of interested prospects who want to talk with you.
And to build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need that same constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: chris , I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps", which you requested a few days ago. it. Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Treasure On Your Desktop‏

Me and my Kitty -Sinndel-

Hello everyone out here in the cyberworld! Chris peeters here with another Blog Post and today i want to Talk about How i found success with the "Success in 10 steps" Ebook my mr Micheal dlouhy  
What I love about the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook is, it brings me warriors.
All told, for me and everybody else who has used it since it first was introduced in 2004, the ebook has had over 120,000 downloads. And more than half those people are what I call Warriors.
They've struggled with M-L-M. They know they can do it and achieve the dream of financial independence, but they just haven't quite got it right yet. They have questions. Michael Dlouhy's story resonates with them. When I call them, they're happy to hear from me, because they just like to talk about this business and understand how to make it work for them.
Best of all, these are people who will never, ever, ever quit. This is exactly the person you want on your team. They are dead serious about building a network marketing business. They will not be discouraged. They will not be stopped. THAT is a warrior. That is who you want to go into battle with.
And that is why Success In 10 Steps is such a hot lead generation system. I've never seen any other M-L-M lead generation system that brings you this type of lead time after time after time.
If you haven't read the ebook, I strongly suggest you download it now.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS:  Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bully, sleaze, & lie?‏... It doesnt work!

Me and my Beautiful Niece Aaliyah

For most of us, cold calling is extremely unpleasant because you're uninvited, and they're busy, and you need something, and they don't. Ask yourself: Does anybody get up in the morning thinking, "Boy, I've got a very busy day today. I hope at least a dozen people call on me today trying to sell me stuff or set up appointments to sell me stuff."
Many will buy books and tapes that teach dozens of ways to bully, sleaze, and lie their way into their prospect's heads. But in the end, you are still an uninvited pest. Not fun to be with and not fun to have to deal with. Is it any wonder that your prospects are always "out" or "in the shower"?
Because cold calling is so unpleasant, most salespeople devise dozens of time-wasting techniques to avoid doing it. Meticulous activity logs. Endless "research" on the Web. "Networking" or should I say gossip calls with other struggling friends. Calling people you know will be unavailable and not leaving a voice mail. Filling out time management tools. Counting their paperclips and organizing their office. (Don't laugh, it happens all the time!).
Does this approach make a person better?
Does it benefit the prospect? Anyone?
What's missing?
To answer these questions, you need to get the Color To Success CD Training. In it, you will discover ways to get the prospects to raise their hands and say "Yes". You will be shown the most important factor when calling prospects, and much, much more.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: .Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.

Why M-L-M products are so expensive‏

Me and my beautiful niece Aaliyah

Does a network marketing company really need a big, big, big, big, big home office? It's comical. They say, "Oh, we're debt free."Yeah. They're debt-free off the backs of distributors. That's how they built that big home office. Doesn't help you at all.
They call it "breakage." That's the difference between wholesale product cost and retail cost ... mark-up from $39.95 retail to $79.95 wholesale. That pays for the building. And maybe a company jet or two.
A few years back, a prepa1d phone card company charged $2 or $3 a minute for prepaid phone calls. You bought a phone card for a dollar a minute. But these were collector's cards, said the company: "If you don't scratch the back of the card off, and don't use the time, it makes it more valuable.")
So this plastic card, which cost maybe 25 cents to create, was selling for $2 a minute. And the company convinced the people not to scratch it off, so they never had to pay for the phone time.
Isn't that amazing? It's no wonder network marketing gets a bad name. 
Let us help you learn the truth about this incredible industry and Why Learning the Skills we can teach you here in mentoring for free are so critical to your success in Network Marketing 
Part of being successful is to find a company with an excellent product at a reasonable price. Hint: if they have a glitzy 27-story home office, keep searching.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS:  Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

YOU are the message!

In network marketing you are the message, its important that YOU help other people learn the SKILLS they need to become successful! Take them by the hand and show them that you value them as PEOPLE.  Network Marketing is a PEOPLE business! 

So many people in MLM are left in the woods by the "heavy hitter" Its sad and it makes my blood Boil! So i choose to help others with every fabric in my body so that i can feel good going to sleep at night Knowing that i have made a difference in peoples lives! 

In M-L-M, people get very caught up in "What ad should I run?" And sure, some ads out-pull other ads. But the key to your success is not the ads. The key to your success is:
Can you get a steady stream of people looking for a solution to their M-L-M frustrations? And can you build a strong relationship with the people you talk to?
Your prospect must believe that you have a workable system, and that you can help them be successful with it ... that you truly want them to achieve their dreams. You are the message, not any ads you may run.
So you can get what you want by being who you are ... and using the "Success In 10 Steps" eb00k.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Personal Lesson Plan For Chapter II -Desire-

Wow, what a difference this time around... I really really felt this chapter today when i listened to it.. All of the inspiring stories that napoleon hill uses as examples of the power of desire are astounding, But the one that really really hit me was the story about his own son and hill's burning desire for his son to have the ability to speak and hear!  Hill was NOT willing to accept the "Reality" of his sons affliction and therby only accepted it as TEMPORARY, Hill knew that if he could plant his own burning desire into his son, that his sons mind would be able to conceive the DESIRE for normal hearing and speech!  This reality was REALIZED and TRANSMUTED into its physical form. 

Let me state it a little more simply for anyone reading this lesson who may be new to the 30 day mental cleanse. We are but limitless beings in our capacity to Dream and Desire ANYTHING, Only when we accept failure as a permanent reality does it then become reality.. There is nothing which cannot be conquered if we have the BURNING desire to accomplish it!  

One element of this is to remember that What we see all around us is an example of Burning desire.. it exists in nature and in every material thing which you are in possession of, It all began as a Burning desire for success! The ways of life are mysterious in the challenges that it brings to us but that is Infinite intelligence preparing us and testing us to see if we really do have what it takes, and if we are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make our dreams into reality! 

Mentoring for free is THIS path that we must stay on if we are to Realize our own potential power and to keep our flame burning white hot, Micheal even says "stay close to the fire" What do you think he means by this? I know what he means! do you?

Your friend and Servant
Chris peeters
brandon Manitoba

p.s There are only 2 kinds of people in this world Followers and leaders... Which one are you? and which one will you CHOOSE to become?

M-L-M & Boy Scouts‏

ll be sometime in your life you've read or heard the Boy Scout Oath:
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
I think it's a good model for a netw0rk marketer, too. Next time you read "Success In 10 Steps", consider what you read and how you'll build your M-L-M bus1ness in relation to the Boy Scout Oath. I bet you'll have one or two Ah-HA! moments.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Voodoo M-L-M Economics

Voodoo M-L-M EconomicsTo: chris peetersYou'll find "Voodoo MLM Economics" in the first section of "Success In 10 Steps". This is one of my favorite sections.

A few weeks ago, I was talking on the phone with one of my pr0spects who had downl0aded the eb00k. Prospects fall into one of two groups:
  1. Already in a bus1ness & trying to figure out how to make it profitable.
  2. Looking for a bus1ness to make profitable.
This lady was in group #1. And since I was on the line with her, she decided to reverse-recru1t me. So she told me about her incredible company and their 98% retention rate.
Nobody ever left that company. Everybody stayed. Fascinating.
OK. You could give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was new and was just repeating what she had been told by her spons0r. But she was also telling me how wonderfully successful she was, too, so she probably doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
We know that in M-L-M, like any other business, most people aren't going to make it. Most people are going to leave. Most people are going to quit before they are successful. Most people don't commit themselves. Most people don't value spending time training themselves. Most people won't put in the time necessary to actually work their business.
It all boils down to the "C" word: most people just won't make the commitment.
And so it enhances your position when you are talking with a prospect that you flat out tell them all this.
"Jack, what I know from my experience is, most of the people I talk to will not make any real commitment to this business. Most of them will quit. Most of them will find a reason not to do it."
And of course, I always add in there, "We've been using the STS eb00k for over 4 years now. And the reason we like this ëSuccess In 10 Steps' lead generation system so much is, we talk to so many people who have been beat up in this business. And yet, so many of them are people who just will NEVER quit. They're determined to keep going forever. They are determined to make it work."
I can't tell you how many times I say that to one of my eb00k download prospects and they say, "Yeah. That's me." It's like that company's retention rate - it's over 90%.
Well - it's probably 80%, anyway. They say, "Yeah, that's me. I'll never quit. I'll never stop doing this. I'll never give up. I'm going to get it right. I'm going to figure it out or die trying." That is the type of person who read this ebook.
And you increase your own credibility and their trust in you when you tell them that you know most people will quit. At the same time, you give them personally a way out of that group, because most people who come in through the STS ebook are warriors. They are just never going to quit.
So it's very worthwhile for you to point out this section of the ebook to your prospects and let them know that most people quit. If this was an easy business, everybody would do it.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
chris peeters
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link: