Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Lesson plan for Chapter VI of think and grow rich -Organized Planning-

Me And Tom "Big Al" Schrieter

Wow, Can anyone say "nuggets"?  This chapter was truly amazing, Each time i go through this Book  time and time again i learn something new through each chapter , Hill talks about the importance of organized planning!  Mr Micheal Dlouhy did an amazing leadership skills call this past monday And i was So Enlightened by his words!  Napoleon Hill speaks to us here about the Importance of the mastermind and Harmony within your group of minds that you have chosen to exchange ideas and thoughts with!  The importance of leadership was also dissected deeply in this chapter and I am in full compliance of what is being tought about leadership here in this chapter!

I remember when i first got started here at mentoring for free a little less than 3 years ago and i was a very different person then and i had alot of habits and programming holding me back from really getting myself immersed in this process known as "Personal Development" But day by day and week by week I got closer and closer towards forming the habit of Following through on my PLANS to get on the calls, Get Ebook downloads and follow up with my Clients.  You may ask me a question here like "Well was it easy to change all of that negative procrastination and self doubt"? the answer is NO! it certainly was not!  Here i am 3 years later, Still close to the Fire... Still getting ebook downloads, And still posting lessons, and no matter what I Will never quit Finding my carpenters to build my team for my business!  I now also host our colors call 3 nights a week as well.. An honor that was bestowed upon me with the decision my Mr Micheal Dlouhy and Mr Brian Redding.  

Micheal and Brian Believe in me Enough as a student of their guidance and teachings to Allow me to step up and demonstrate my Humbleness and leadership skills by giving me full Control as a moderator on that call... Without the aid of planning and Persistence? I wouldnt have this role Given to me.  I recognize that i must remain humble and Compassionate to all whom are embarking on this journey with us here In mentoring for free! 

I AM A WINNER AND I WILL NEVER QUIT! I want to help my mom, my sister and everyone whom I sponsor OWN THEIR LIFE!!! 
Thank you to everyone for your contribution to helping me manifest into the leader I am becoming! 

Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba
~~Friend and mentor For Life~~

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