Chapter 10-The power of the mastermind, the Driving force. I find it Remarkable that People dont understand Co-operation and how powerful it is when we all work together to create A reality that will benefit everyone Involved, This is a trait That people need if they are to become Successful in life, business, Relationships and Emotional Stability. I have come across so many people in my life That would rather work against each other than work together.
I know that the more people I attract and Create relationships with, The more successful I will become in Network marketing and in life.
I like to refer to it as building my spider web, Its fun to meet people from all over the world and offer them A solution to their problems! If we all can inspire people to Own their mind, Which in turn allows them to Own their lives? Then we OWE it to them to at least help them become aware of their own inner potential for Abundance and prosperity! BUT we cannot MAKE them choose! They have to WANT IT! As Micheal Dlouhy always says, TAKE THE VOLUNTEERS!
Just Think about how good you will feel when people call you up and say " hey man, I just want to say Thank you and I love you because YOU believed In me When at first I didnt even believe in myself" Thats what a True leader and mentor does! We know that in order to be a Real leader We must also allow ourselves to be led by our followers! Its a Mutual exchange of ideas, beliefs and Goals that we all must share together! Remember that The more you give, The more you Receive!!!
Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba
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