Immediately Hill went to work on Planting in his Child's Mind that He would hear and speak properly. He convinced his Son day by day that His Greatest Struggle would turn into his Greatest asset and it did!
After years of studying and trying various methods to help his son hear , Hill discovered The hearing aids that would Allow his son to hear and Speak properly! Napoleon Read him bedtime stories about Great triumphs and Inspirational Literature That would Help him translate this buring desire into his sons mind for normal hearing and Speaking!
His son was an industrious intelligent boy, he Began Entrepreneurship at a very young age when he first became a newspaper delivery boy! Napoleon Taught him very early in life to transform Every Obstacle in that of an equal opportunity! He even Told his son that he would receive Special Attention in school if he yelled at his teachers because they would then Show him special Attention and treated him with Extraordinary Kindness.
His mother would meet with the teachers of his School Just to be sure that he would Receive Special attention and Kindness. When he was 7 Years old, the evidence began to reveal itself that Hill's Burning desire was becoming a reality.
he Began Entrepreneurship at a very young age when he first became a newspaper delivery boy! His mother however did not give him consent to go out into the Street Alone for Fear that he would come to harm because of His affliction, He however took matters into his own hands, He borrowed 6 cents from the Local Shoemaker and Bought newspapers, Resold them, payed back the Shoemaker and made a net profit of 42 cents!
When he began middle school and high school, as well as college His parents Did not put him into a special school for Deaf mute people, They decided that he Should live a normal Life and be around normal peers and make friends with normal people! it was in high school that A hearing aid had been given to him on trial, Although he was dissapointed from use of a previous hearing aid that didnt function quite right, he tested the new one and Low and behold His Burning Desire for hearing had become a reality....The universe moves in mysterious ways its wonder to perform!
This chapter Always Brings new fruition to my mind Everytime I Listen to it, My self talk grows in intensity and my Desire for my business to succeed and MY wife Sarah to come to canada grows stronger as well. I will FORCE the universe to give me what I want by never Quitting and Recognizing that as long as my faith and belief remain strong, nothing will stop me from attaining a successful Business and my wife. Mentoring for free has been such a Force of power for me because its given me hope to rediscover my own potential and power of belief and aiming for greatness. I will outwit all obstacles and challenges and Only recognize any challenge as TEMPORARY. To all who have inspired me in this mastermind I thank you for being True leaders and helping me grow into one as well!
Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba Canada
ReplyDeleteJust love Your determination and power that You are projecting in this lesson. You can feel the emotion and You are ready to achieve such. Go, Chris.
The strongest part of your lesson is with Hills Son who desired normal hearing and got such after years of being determined to achieve such. Its what is needed within everyones lives, just as You are showing with Your own Desire and Determination to achieve the goal which you have set for yourself.
You can do this!!!!