He didnt know Mr Edison, Plus he didnt have Money to pay his railroad fare! BUT he decided to travel By Blind passage By freight Train! He Presented himself In Mr Edison's office Looking nothing but a tramp, But his Thoughts were those of a King, The expression on his face was that he was Absolutley Determined to Get What he had come after! His Desire Was DEFINITE, he wanted to work WITH Edison, Not for him!
I Feel so confident each day I wake up that i Automatically begin my Self talk... I even Find myself Saying it in my Sleep! I wake up to use the washroom and im saying while still half asleep as well! Any Idle moment I have I am In my self talk. Thoughts are things and powerful things at that, We did an incredible Call Saturday night and I remember The whole 120 mins Down to a Tea! One particular part of the Call that Really stood out to me was the Passage Micheal Read out of the book "The 7 Laws Of Success" by Deepak Chopra.
It was Just mindblowing. I also Loved it when we spoke about the law of expectation, We truly do get whatever we expect, Therefore its Absolutley essential that we begin to take control of our minds and Create Thoughts that Are Only of a positive nature!
We Must also be very aware of the people we are associated with.. The pukers in your life need to be Evaulated and Removed, Ask yourself a question? What kind of Friends would Ever try and Discourage you just because they would rather Live a life of Mediocrity and Just accepting "life as it is" Real Friends will encourage, And Lift you when you feel Discouraged.
People in your life are the results of your thoughts and beliefs. So if you have negative people in your life, Then Change the way you think, Change what you focus on, and Change What you EXPECT! its just that simple! I want to say thank you to Micheal and Linda Dlouhy, To Mr Ken Klemm, And also to Mr Brian Redding and Miss Marsha Sortino for all of their patience and Belief in me and my ability to own my life!!
With Love and Appreciation
Chris Peeters
Brandon manitoba
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