Figuring Out What Multilevel Marketing Company is Legitimate
Look up multilevel marketing opportunities and you are going to get hit with endless opportunities online. In fact, there are so many options that you could end up swimming through options, and not really understanding which one is going to be best. They will all promise you endless success, money, and so much more. However, amidst the many opportunities, there are some that are downright pyramid schemes. Of course, you can’t say that because these companies are vigilant about being called this, and will sue for libel. Amidst the many options, however, there are some that are legitimate, and could in fact get you a great deal of success. Figuring out which is good and which is going to steal your money is a matter of balance. The following are 3 signs you need to look into when trying to get into this world.
The Pay Structure
Avoid the flowery speech, look away from the main tag lines, and instead, look at the pay structure. Go directly to how you will be paid, and start to decipher the real way that you can make money. If a company is in fact legitimate, they will pay you fair commissions. Not only that, they will not ask you to buy a lot of merchandise up front. You may have to buy some at wholesale, but the cost should not be more than 50% of the total retail value. If it is, in fact that much of a cost, then you will need to look carefully at your commission ratio. Some products sell themselves, others, you’re going to have to work really hard to sell through. If the pay structure doesn’t allow you to get wealthy through sales, then they are not trustworthy.
The Downline
Here is the kicker. All major multilevel marketing companies will want you to build a down line, but here’s the difference maker. If the company forces you to build one, and doesn’t pay you high commissions for the aforementioned. If you are pressured to build this because the pay structure is not very good to begin with, walk away. This is an absolutely important thing to understand overall. If there’s a lot of pressure to build a downline instead of making money through raw sales, chances are the company is not as good as you think. No legitimate company is going to discourage you from selling through product.
At the end of the day, there are a lot of multilevel marketing companies that are legitimate, but the main difference is the pay structure. Make absolutely sure you understand the pay structure. It’s absolutely imperative that you understand this. Pay close attention to the math, it will reveal whether you can succeed or not. If you see the payout ratio and sales requires you to be superman, don’t do it. However, if you can get a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 in terms of sales versus commission, you could make an empire out of one of these companies. However, if they don’t let you create serious income through sales alone, and they force you to build a downline, be wary.
Teaching You How To Think Not What To Think!!!
This Incredible Blog Post Was Written by my Good Friend and Fellow Leader and Team Member Mr Kareem Maize
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