Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chapter 10 lesson from think and grow rich -Power Of The Mastermind-

Chapter 10- Power of the Mastermind, The driving force. The 9th step toward riches.  Power is essential for success in the Pursuit of money, This power comes from organized plans and Actions. Mentoring For Free is a Mastermind that is essential for us because Through this program We are able to Grow and learn daily. Plan, Do, Review, Adjust has always been One of our Main Mottos here at Mentoring For Free. By allying Ourselves with this incredible group of people we are able to Bring New ideas and New ways of doing things that Will bring Favorable Results. 

If there was a Better place to be I would be there, But for myself This is the place to Keep on growing and learning. I love it when Micheal says "You already have the Car All you need to do is put gas in it, Why try and Re-invent the wheel"? it is a System that Works but only if we work it correctly, Follow the Recipe and Be here A year from now Every year.  You can Sit there and Make excuses and Try To Justify Not participating but the truth is only YOU will be letting yourself down.

 If you want success it depends on your Efforts and Plans to Achieve those goals.  It is by no means an easy journey and Yes there will be snags along the way, And hell you may even want to quit!  I know I have felt that way at times and Wondered to myself "Why am i doing this again"? But you know... I KEEP going, I keep being on calls, I keep Planning and Doing things daily to move myself forward.  As Micheal Says "Any excuse will do"  So either Step up and Be all in Or dont bother!  Of course There is definitley some things that get in the way at times Like LIFE! Thats ok too! the Rub of it all is to get back on the train and keep riding the rails, Mentoring for free has already Built the Railway We just need to be The Locomotions that Pull the Trigger and Launch ourselves forward! 

Micheal calls this "launch and learn" .... Heres Something to think about If you dont do it or stick with it... Where will you be in 5 years? Working for someone else? Paying bills and expenses and having just enough to get by? Dying with your music still in you? Those are the experiences you will end up with if you DONT stick with your dream! simple as that!

~Your friend and Mentor~ 
Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba Canada

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    A very powerful lesson. We need to be constantly working our business to be able to achieve our dreams. Putting fuel in the vehicle and getting it over that launch phase, even when it may take a while to do such. Just keeping on going as you will eventually get such right when you do associate and learn from the lessons You have been taught.

    Have a wonderful day,
