Saturday, January 31, 2015

What are the 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction?

The Big Question: What are the 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction?

The first thing you should know is that we are in fact asking the wrong question when we say ‘What are the 11 forgotten laws of attraction?’
As we said in our previous post on the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws program, attraction is just one of the laws. A more accurate question might be: What are the 11 forgotten laws of the universe? Certainly closer to the reality than the question the majority of people ask.
what are the 11 forgotten laws of attractionWhy only one of the eleven forgotten laws has been documented (badly) in recent history is anyone’s guess but it is said that those who possess and then master the laws in their entirety, really can draw their desires to themselves with what seems like almost magical ease.
The good news is that you are one of the minority who does know about these laws!
Did you know that (according to estimations on’s search tool) only around 14,000 people per month actually even look into these laws specifically compared to over 310,000 who look into law of attraction and/or Rhonda Byrnes The Secret instead?
That’s only around 4.5% of the people who want to improve their lives using the laws who even know there are an additional 10 they should be taking into account!
How many do you think then go on to find out where to get the correct information on the eleven forgotten laws from the horses mouth?
We would estimate it to be well under 1% so congratulate yourself on being in the 1% of people who know where to get the laws from the source!
Anyway, without further ado, lets get ourselves acquainted with each of the modules in the 11 forgotten laws course. The laws of attraction, thinking, supply, receiving, increase, compensation, non-resistance, forgiveness, sacrifice, obedience and success.

Click the links below to find out more and watch free 11 forgotten laws Bob Proctor videos on each concept.

List of 11 Forgotten Laws

  1. The Law of Thinking
  2. The Law of Supply
  3. The Law of Attraction
  4. The Law of Receiving
  5. The Law of Increase
  6. The Law of Compensation
  7. The Law of Non-Resistance
  8. The Law of Forgiveness
  9. The Law of Sacrifice
  10. The Law of Obedience
  11. The Law of Success

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Benefits of Network Marketing

"When it comes to starting a business of any type, you’ll find that there are benefits that cycle through. In regards to network marketing, you are going to see the magnification of a lot of the standard benefits that you would get from other areas. These start to become illuminated as you put time into honing the craft of influence, because that’s truly what you need to do in modern times to get yourself into a successful state. Whether you want to become incredible wealthy, or you just want to cycle through a few options, you are going to want to look into a variety of elements that illustrate why this type of marketing is key to engaging any opportunity.

Unlimited Earning Potential
When you’re in a 9 to 5 job, you are not going to end up making as much as you’d like. There’s a set salary for every position that you could apply for, and that’s not always beneficial to your future. If you are stuck in a job that is only paying $25,000 a year, you are going to find yourself struggling. With network marketing, however, you could raise the ceiling and earn as much as you’d like, assuming that you get good at the influential elements of this type of business. Look at any compensation format, and you could find ways to get into a serious financial status.

Training For The Future
If you don’t make it in network business, but you actually take on the training that they offer, you will have the tools to take on other roles around the business world. Some of the most prominent names in big corporations have a background in this world. The reason why they achieved success, even though they may not have been able to make networking last, is because they took on the training and used the tools to build another platform down the line. If you don’t take on the training within these business options seriously, you will not get the right tools in place for the future, that’s for sure.

Building Relationship

At the end of the day, the benefits of this world are personal. Building relationships with people is important, as you will need to call on individuals to help you grow your business. Without a social aspect of networking, there is no business foundation. Without a firm foundation, you are going to end up losing out on a major income that is truly unlimited in focus. Take time to fully understand this benefit and you’ll see why this is so lucrative, especially in a world where “social” elements take precedent over a lot of other marketing elements.

You Network Market All The Time

Have you ever recommend a store, restaurant, or a movie? IF you recommend a certain service or product to someone and they enjoy it and tell their friends congrats your a network marketer! The only difference between recommending a network marketing product and a regular every day product is that you don't get paid. Imagine getting paid for everything in your life you have recommended that someone tried and then recommended to their friends! Would you be in a different financial spot than you are today? 

Isn't Network Marketing a Scam or a Pyramid Scheme? 

The question I have often been faced with when discussing network marketing is that it is a pyramid scheme or a scam. I will agree if there is no physical product and income is solely based on recruitment then it is definitely a scam. A legitimate company with a physical product and the ability to acquire customers is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. So why do people believe it is? Numerous people may make the assertion that recruiting people and placing them under you makes your opportunity  is a scheme of some kind, The funny thing is if you look at a typical corporate structure you will find that the methodology of hiring people and having them advance in the company is very similar to network marketing. Companies usually have people in their HR department or a recruiting firm go and find people looking for a specific opportunity based on a resume or an expressed interest based on certain qualifications. If a certain person is hired they are usually brought in at the bottom of the company at a fixed income and taught a certain skill or set of skills to acquire that income. Eventually they learn more responsibilities and if possible become a supervisor. As a supervisor they train more people and keep moving up the corporate ladder. Think about it. In a network marketing company you create relationships with the right people looking for an opportunity and teach them to build their own team under your leadership which eventually makes them a leader. The only big difference is you cannot be fired from a networking marketing company and there is no income limit. I will say however it is advisable to have a job while building your team because it does require some capital to get started and maintain. That being said I have had and I still have a great time participating in network marketing. " 
This is a Fantastic Blog Article Written by My Good Friend and Fellow Leader here in Mentoring for free Kareem Maize!

My Good Friend and Fellow Leader 
Kareem Maize

Monday, January 26, 2015

My "ImPossible" Medical Journey: 2015: Let the "Fun" Begin

My "ImPossible" Medical Journey: 2015: Let the "Fun" Begin:  Please pray for this lady and her family! She is on an incredible Trying journey right now! lets help her beat this Trying time in her life and get healthy!!! Read the blog! Spread the word and lets make a difference

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Power of Emotions- Manifesting your Desires and Getting Results!

This is a very very Powerful Audio Recording Of a Radio Show Called Indigo Children! I subscribed to This channel a long time ago!!! And it will definitely Inspire you to take action and Believe in yourself! I hope that you will Learn how to own your life and go for your dreams!! I will also post a Link here to The Indigo Children Radio Website!

Please Enjoy this and Remember to Keep an open mind about information and knowledge!

Chris Peeters

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Gabriel Dixon | Press Release: How to treat dark spots on skin!

Gabriel Dixon | Press Release: How to treat dark spots on skin!

Raymond Hollohan | Press Release: How To Double Your Landing Page Conversions

Raymond Hollohan | Press Release: How To Double Your Landing Page Conversions

Bobbijera Fullman | Press Release: Finding the Need: Your Most Vital Closing Strategy

Bobbijera Fullman | Press Release: Finding the Need: Your Most Vital Closing Strategy

MFF Coach Ron: Michelle Good~Masterson | Press Release: Killing y...

MFF Coach Ron: Michelle Good~Masterson | Press Release: Killing y...: Michelle Good~Masterson | Press Release: Killing your marketing, softly with your song!

MFF Coach Ron: Lowell Shim | Press Release: Some things that make...

MFF Coach Ron: Lowell Shim | Press Release: Some things that make...: Lowell Shim | Press Release: Some things that make you go hmmmm!!!

Nando vanBerlo | Blog: Free MLM Training: Are You Thinking Like A Prospect?

Nando vanBerlo | Blog: Free MLM Training: Are You Thinking Like A Prospect?

Critical Thinking and Action: I Was Lost, But Now I Am Found

Critical Thinking and Action: I Was Lost, But Now I Am Found: Reading the chapter this week inspired me to express a story of my journey. Version 1 - The Symbolism "I was lost, but now I am found I planned. I followed the plan. I had a dream. I followed the dream. It lead me to a plateau. I accepted the plateau. I fell asleep. 

I got lost in the execution. Performing what needed to be done, while pleasurable, led me to forgo dreaming. 

I was waiting to die, but I was in a fog and didn't know. 

Sparks of light ignited the fog, but my sleep was too deep. Brighter and brighter the sparks became, but the darkness prevailed. 

My mind didn't die. It didn't rest. Each spark restored pieces of the dreams from the past. New dreams began to form. But, the darkness prevailed. 

As I began to awake, I recognized the plateau I had accepted. I begin to see the paths beyond the fog and the clouds. 

The clarity is crystal, in bursts. now more and more frequent. I am gathering steam, moving fast again and building my legacy. 

Version 2 - The Facts 

I went to school. I got a degree. I got a job. I got married. I started a family. I started a company. I became a consultant. I got another job. I got stuck. I accepted the plateau. 

I discovered network marketing, along the way. It was the first spark. It was also the source of the darkness that prevailed. Lack of success and failure put water on the fire and doused the spark. No fire remained. 

Another opportunity. This one's fresh. But, again, the same lack of skill and leadership. More darkness. 

Truth. Brilliant clear, powerful truth. We all know this when we hear it. We first have to listen, to hear it. We have to silence or squelch the noise to hear. Once heard, the vibration always rings true. Leadership skills, mental clarity, time ownership and mastery, not a product, company or opportunity are the path to fulfillment. 

Multiple times a week, every week, we gather to keep the fires hot, the focus clear, and the vibration, rhythm and song alive. 

Mentoring for Free and this 30 Day Mental Cleanse, has re-equipped my mind. Full clarity has returned and control has been restored. 

I am grateful to everyone who participates. Together we mastermind a world full of miracles empowered by Infinite Intelligence. 

with gratitude and in service,
Tony Koker

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Desire, The starting Point of All achievement!

Napoleon Hill Tells an incredible story of Triumph over Nature in the Section of this chapter called "Desire Outwits Mother nature"  Napoleon Hill's son was Born without any ears, He could not hear or speak but  Hill was NOT willing to accept The doctors Truth that his son would never hear or speak properly.

Immediately Hill went to work on Planting in his Child's Mind that He would hear and speak properly.  He convinced his Son day by day that His Greatest Struggle would turn into his Greatest asset and it did!

After years of studying and trying various methods to help his son hear , Hill discovered The hearing aids that would Allow his son to hear and Speak properly! Napoleon Read him bedtime stories about Great triumphs and Inspirational Literature That would Help him translate this buring desire into his sons mind for normal hearing and Speaking!

His son was an industrious intelligent boy, he Began Entrepreneurship at a very young age when he first became a newspaper delivery boy! Napoleon Taught him very early in life to transform Every Obstacle in that of an equal opportunity! He even Told his son that he would receive Special Attention in school if he yelled at his teachers because they would then Show him special Attention and treated him with Extraordinary Kindness.

His mother would meet with the teachers of his School Just to be sure that he would Receive Special attention and Kindness.  When he was 7 Years old, the evidence began to reveal itself that Hill's Burning desire was becoming a reality.

he Began Entrepreneurship at a very young age when he first became a newspaper delivery boy! His mother however did not give him consent to go out into the Street Alone for Fear that he would come to harm because of His affliction, He however took matters into his own hands, He borrowed 6 cents from the Local Shoemaker and Bought newspapers, Resold them, payed back the Shoemaker and made a net profit of 42 cents!

When Hill and His wife found their son in bed that night The money was Tightly clenched in his hand and His wife began to cry, Hill thought this was silly because in Hills mind he Saw A successful young Boy who Had began to Learn about the very principles that Hill was teaching him For the first 7 years of the young boys life. Hill Knew right then and there that His son had the Traits of success that Would be with him all throughout his life!

When he began middle school and high school, as well as college His parents Did not put him into a special school for Deaf mute people, They decided that he Should live a normal Life and be around normal peers and make friends with normal people! it was in high school that A hearing aid had been given to him on trial, Although he was dissapointed from use of a previous hearing aid that didnt function quite right, he tested the new one and Low and behold His Burning Desire for hearing had become a reality....The universe moves in mysterious ways its wonder to perform!

This chapter Always Brings new fruition to my mind Everytime I Listen to it, My self talk grows in intensity and my Desire for my business to succeed and  MY wife Sarah to come to canada grows stronger as well. I will FORCE the universe to give me what I want by never Quitting and Recognizing that as long as my faith and belief remain strong, nothing will stop me from attaining a successful Business and my wife.  Mentoring for free has been such a Force of power for me because its given me hope to rediscover my own potential and power of belief and aiming for greatness. I will outwit all obstacles and challenges and Only recognize any challenge as TEMPORARY.  To all who have inspired me in this mastermind I thank you for being True leaders and helping me grow into one as well!

Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba Canada

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Retention, and how to Create it!!!!

Has anybody ever fooled you with a novelty T-bone steak? It looks exactly like the real deal. You're ready to dig in. But something here isn't exactly right 
Oh, yeah - it's plastic. Well Ive got News for you, This Business is about people and You have to Understand that! If you can Put your ego on the back Burner and have NO agenda Then people WIll gravitate to you!
It seems like a lot of people use that plastic steak as a model for the relationships they build in order to sell their products. They are looking at this very short-term. They think what's important is the immediate sale.
But the fact is, what's important is the long-term relationship. What will help you achieve your dreams is building strong relationships with people who have similar dreams. Plastic relationships will not do that.
The "Success In 10 Steps" ebook gets right to the heart of living, breathing relationships. It's a tool you can use to help people be successful, where before they only experienced failure. That change of direction will mean the world to them, and that is why this ebook is such a powerful tool in building your network marketing business! Now I will talk about the Story Behind the Cover Micheal Dlouhy Chose to use for His Ebook! 
People who publish ebooks want a memorable cover. I'll bet you've seen a ton of ebook covers over the years. Quick - describe one!
OK. I'll do it. It's Michael Dlouhy in his trademark Hawaiian shirt, his arm around Linda, the 2 of them sitting oceanside on the Gulf of Mexico as the sun goes down. Inserted in the lower left-hand corner is another photo of the 2 of them walking down the beach, and you can see their footsteps in the sand.
I saw it and thought, "Holy mackeral! I have NEVER seen any ebook with a cover like this!" This cover sent the perfect message: M-L-M is a relationship business. Anyway, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was special.
I can't tell you how many times I've mentioned "Success In 10 Steps" to a prospect who says, "Gosh. I have so many ebooks. I don't remember that one." And so I say, "Well, it's got the guy & his wife sitting in front of the ocean at sunset." And the pr0spect says (every time), "Oh, THAT one. Sure I remember THAT one."
The cover of "Success In 10 Steps" is one of the bits of magic that makes the book so powerful.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot pr0spects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success, 
chris peeters

PS:   Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, Click On the Image below!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My lesson Plan For Chapter I of Think and Grow rich -Thoughts Are Things

This book is incredible, Everytime i Begin this book again I am very very excited, There are So many AHH HAH moments in this First chapter, Cleverly Titled "Chapter I- Introduction, The man who Thought his way into partnership With Thomas .A. Edison.  Edwin C Barnes Was so Determined to Translate his Desire into reality! When the desire first Flashed into his mind he was in Little Position to act upon it! He wanted to go into Business with The Great Inventor, His desire was So crystalized that He Would do anything to manfiest it!  

 He didnt know Mr Edison, Plus he didnt have Money to pay his railroad fare! BUT he decided to travel By Blind passage By freight Train! He Presented himself In Mr Edison's office Looking nothing but a tramp, But his Thoughts were those of a King, The expression on his face was that he was Absolutley Determined to Get What he had come after!  His Desire Was DEFINITE, he wanted to work WITH Edison, Not for him! 

I Feel so confident each day I wake up that i Automatically begin my Self talk... I even Find myself Saying it in my Sleep! I wake up to use the washroom and im saying while still half asleep as well! Any Idle moment I have I am In my self talk. Thoughts are things and powerful things at that, We did an incredible Call Saturday night and I remember The whole 120 mins Down to a Tea! One particular part of the Call that Really stood out to me was the Passage Micheal Read out of the book "The 7 Laws Of Success" by Deepak Chopra.

 It was Just mindblowing. I also Loved it when we spoke about the law of expectation, We truly do get whatever we expect, Therefore its Absolutley essential that we begin to take control of our minds and Create Thoughts that Are Only of a positive nature! 

We Must also be very aware of the people we are associated with.. The pukers in your life need to be Evaulated and Removed, Ask yourself a question? What kind of Friends would Ever try and Discourage you just because they would rather Live a life of Mediocrity and Just accepting "life as it is"  Real Friends will encourage, And Lift you when you feel Discouraged.  

People in your life are the results of your thoughts and beliefs. So if you have negative people in your life, Then Change the way you think, Change what you focus on, and Change What you EXPECT! its just that simple! I want to say thank you to Micheal and Linda Dlouhy, To Mr Ken Klemm, And also to Mr Brian Redding and Miss Marsha Sortino for all of their patience and Belief in me and my ability to own my life!! 

With Love and Appreciation
Chris Peeters
Brandon manitoba

Monday, January 5, 2015

True Leadership is having No agenda!

Hi Everyone out here tonight, I hope your all doing well as always! Tonight i wanted to Talk about my mentoring for free Story! Mentoring For Free is changing my life Before i found this program I was an affiliate marketer and i was just Posting Randomly on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Etc  and i couldnt figure out why what i was doing wasnt working.
I struggled like this for over 8 months and then someone Came into my life through the law of attraction and positive thinking and Mentoring for free showed up and i was Relieved!!
 I began to believe in network marketing and i discovered the truth about networking and how It actually works and what its all about!  We  also offer the 30 day mental cleanse and this program is also changing my life too and i am learning HOW to think positively and develop the right mindset to become successful! 

Focusing on my goals Has helped me  be persistent no matter what obstacles i encounter!! yes i still have my days and i still get stressed but what i know is that mentoring for free is here for everyone and anyone from any walk of life who needs help figuring out how to begin creating a home income and the determination it takes to become a true leader on the internet!!
When the right people read "Success In 10 Steps", they get excited. The experiences and information in the ebok speak to their heart. They recognize themselves in the description.
The result is, you wind up talking to a person who is probably exactly the person you want to work with, to help build their business - and yours. This book speaks to warriors, and they respond to it. Winning at network marketing is always a battle, so you need people who will never, never quit. You need warriors.
You also have to be that warrior that you seek in others! You need to have a Strong attitude for success and Make Daily task Lists and Follow through with your Lists! 
"Success In 10 Steps" is more. It also trains your warriors in exactly the right way to build their business. What to do, what not to do. And best of all, nobody has to become a salesperson. Just listen to the person's frustrations, and then point out the chapter of the book where they can get help. It is amazing that you can touch so many Lives with This ebook and the Mentoring For Free System! 
If all you need to do is point, then truly, ANYONE can be successful using this ebook.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,                                                                                                                                                                
Chris Peeters
~Your Friend And mentor for Life!~
PS: Remember, Results dont come to those who makes Excuses or reasons! Leadership is about Taking Responsibility and Having a "WHY" that will make you cry! BE inspired to take action today! 
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, Click on the Image Below

Saturday, January 3, 2015

How To Generate Leads for Your M-L-M Business‏

Hello everyone how are you doing tonight? Tonight I wanted to Discuss The difference Between Push Marketing And Pull Through Marketing.. Push Marketing is Where you are constantly  trying to Push your opportunity on people and trying to Convince them that they should join you in your businesses, Let me tell you  it wont work, and it never will! Now i will talk about Pull through Marketing,  When you Have no agenda and you Offer to Be someones Friend first and Foremost and you Help them With their goals and dreams They will Gravitate towards you Naturally! Show them you Care about them and their family!  They will ask YOU if they can join Your business! Doesnt this sound alot easier and Better than Trying to CONVINCE anyone to do anything? When you have an agenda you turn people away its that SIMPLE!  Network Marketing is NOT a sales Business! It is a Teaching, mentoring ,relationship business! 

A lot of kids love "Paint By Numbers" kits. You know the ones - a beautiful picture on the front of the box. Inside, you have 3 or 4 brushes, maybe 20 different little paint jars, and a board with numbers all over it - each number corresponding to one of the paint jars.
Then you just paint by numbers. You don't have to be an artist. Just follow the formula, You can create a pretty nice painting ... almost like you knew what you were doing.  Marketing is a lot like that. In marketing, you track your ads and your results - your numbers. Then you try something else, and track your numbers again. Then you compare your numbers, and keep doing what works better.
Here are some recent numbers I think are pretty astonishing. My group is part of a pretty good-size network marketing company. Our team uses the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook by Michael Dlouhy to find prospects, and others in the company use other means.
Our team brought in 62% of the company's new business for the month of April.
- 82% of the company's new business for May.
- 85% of the company's new business for June.
Look. "Success In 10 Steps" is generic. No companies or products are mentioned. No affiliate links are included. The point of the ebook is to find the Warriors in M-L-M, and to help you connect with them. This is a very effective system. I strongly recommend you download the ebook and see for yourself.
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or email me  right now  and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
Chris Peeters 
~Mentor With A servants heart~
PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count. Success Comes to those who work for it! 
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, Click on the Image below to download it! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Why M-L-M products are so expensive‏

Where you Learn How to Think Not What to think! 

Hi Everyone out there how are you doing? Happy Friday! I thought i would talk about MLM products today
Does a network marketing company really need a big, big, big, big, big home office? It's comical. They say, "Oh, we're debt free."Yeah. They're debt-free off the backs of distributors. That's how they built that big home office. Doesn't help you at all. Nope all that Does is Make you have to work harder for LESS
They call it "breakage."I call it Bullshit!  That's the difference between wholesale product cost and retail cost ... mark-up from $39.95 retail to $79.95 wholesale. That pays for the building. And maybe a company jet or two! Yeah, And dont even get me Started on Overhead, Thats a whole other ballgame! You also will want to Avoid Companies that have High Overhead costs! 
A few years back, a prepaid phone card company charged $2 or $3 a minute for prepaid phone calls. You bought a phone card for a dollar a minute. But these were collector's cards, said the company: "If you don't scratch the back of the card off, and don't use the time, it makes it more valuable. Isnt that just ridiculous? I know it is to me, How about you? 

So this plastic card, which cost maybe 25 cents to create, was selling for $2 a minute. And the company convinced the people not to scratch it off, so they never had to pay for the phone time.
Isn't that amazing? It's no wonder network marketing gets a bad name. its Companies Like this That Leave a bad taste in my mouth! I will personally help you avoid these Companies! 
Part of being successful is to find a company with an excellent product at a reasonable price. Hint: if they have a glitzy 27-story home office, keep searching. 
To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 204-574-6567 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success 
chris peeters    204-574-6567

PS: . Remember, there are only two things in life ñ reasons and results. The first one doesn't count. Your Life Can be What you want it to be, But you have to Want to make the Decision to learn the truth and Skills of what works and what doesnt work! You are your most Valuable Asset!! 
If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Goals For 2015!

Wow, 2014 was quite a year for me!  I experienced Many Ups and Downs But hey! thats How we learn and Grow as people!  I Took Action and Grew my business Quite a bit, However Not as much as I would have Liked to, Well thats ok too! I am Learning the principles of "The Slight Edge" By Jeff Olsen! 

I have Made a Promise to myself for 2015, To be as productive as possible In terms of Getting Ebook downloads, Blogging, Following up with Clients, Doing my Self talk daily rather than Only Somedays during the week! I also Will make a Valiant effort to Avoid thinking of Depressing memories in Regards to My past Relationships with women! I know I am worthy of Love!

My New Wife Sarah Thaneya Is From The Philippines and She is Absolutely Incredible, Shes beautiful, Loving, Caring, Intelligent, Soft and Loyal! I know in my heart that I was meant to meet her As I have never met Anyone Quite as Remarkable as her in my life! 

My Beautiful Wife Sarah

I have Also been Assigned to Host the Mentoring For Free Colors Training calls now to Which has been an Incredible honor and I have Enjoyed it very very much! It shows that Micheal Dlouhy And Ken Klemm Believe in me as A leader to Handle One of Our most Important Skills calls in Mentoring For Free.  People From all over the World Join in on Our 10 Free Skills Calls Each week And the Value we offer is Incredible! I benefit From every call we host and The Value is Astounding and No one else Out there has what we have to offer and we do it all for free! 

One of the most Important elements of Success for me has been to Make A task List Daily and Follow it, Practice it and Stick to it, Doing this Increases your persistence and Conquers procrastination! Excuses Just permit Failure and if you Really want something bad enough Then your Desire and Determination in your Daily Actions better be 100%  You are your Most Valuable Asset! it is up to YOU to decide How much you want to be Successful! Now with that success comes patience, and The Desire and Obligation to Balance Your abundance by helping as many people as possible Achieve Their Goals and Dreams as well! You damn well better make sure that You understand this! Network Marketing is about PEOPLE helping PEOPLE! 

The more you help Others get what they want then the More the Universe Gives to you in Return! This is Known as the Law of Balance! When We give From the heart We open the Chakras and We Put Ourselves in a Better Position to Receive! Remember that there is no such thing as Something for Nothing!  If Your going to Build Big in your Network Marketing Business then you Need the help of many people working together as a Team!