Friday, January 6, 2012

Evaluation and reflection

Hello all again i said i would continue on with this post as a continuation of exercises from the last post...
Goal setting

1. Take at least One hour a day and sit in a quiet room or go for a walk and really think about where your at
in your life... the things you want to do and the things you want to change.

2. have you ever heard the saying "misery loves company"??? this is absolutley true..
what i am emphasizing here is simple.. you are who you surround yourself with therefore
in order to have success it is absolutley essential that you only surround yourself with positive
and encouraging indviduals who share at least the essence of goals and ambitions and personal
development and achievement.

3. Burning desire... i cannot stress this enough It is absolutley critical that you have the desire
to achieve ANYTHING you want... and that you let NO obstacles get in your way.. This desire
must become an obsession.. And obsession isnt a BAD thing if used in the proper channels of energy
and thought.

4.  Gratitude--the realization of being GREATFUL for what you already have.. the things youve
already accomplished.. Make a list of the things your proud of that you have already achieved
Above all be proud and realize that more is on the horizon and that it can only get better.

5. Associations--This one is important as well as i mentioned before it is absolutley essential that you
Take a good look at your environment,the music you listen to the shows you watch. The newspaper
everything affects us no matter how significant it is..and the people... oh the people.. well lets just look at this a little bit more in depth.. If the people in your life are constantly telling you "that wont work" "the law of attraction is bullshit hype" THAT right there is a clear indication that they are STANDING in the way of your success?? WHY do they do this? because their lives are a mess!!! Theyre over-worked, underpaid, un-appreciated and un-appreciative.. and the worst part is they never do a damn thing to change it and stay pukey negative people!!! the answer??? DISTANCE YOURSELF!!! why the hell would you ever want to be around that if you are trying to achieve success?? PRETTY SIMPLE...

I hope these exercises find you well and i look forward to posting more as i personally learn more.. as i have already stated THIS is a life long journey and i dont have it all figured out either so dont feel bad!! take care for now!

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