Sunday, June 24, 2012

My biggest "AHH HAH EUREKA" moment

hello everyone and in this post i want to talk about my biggest AHH HAH" moment and how it came to me in various forms throughout the past 6 years.. I had just come out a really horrible love affair and i had a really dismal and depressive look on life I let that dark black energy consume me and my every waking moment was just nightmarish.. Panic attacks, sleepless nights, Days of constant stress and it was like climbing a mountain just to get me out of bed in the morning to do anything.

I remained isolated for 2 years after i lost my wife. It was a total Meltdown for me.. But during these horrible nights of reflection i began to shift my awareness into the universe and ask it for answers to my situation.. I was then presented with the movie "the secret" from my karate sensei, and at the time Martial arts was the ONLY focus i had that pulled me away from the whirlwind of destructive and horrible thoughts that dominated my concious and subconcious mind..And i remember taking it home that night and watching it And it brought me to tears and although at that point i was crying almost every 2 hours because of how fragile of a state my sudden loss of my wife put on me.. This was different It was a cry of release and Joy I had finally found something that began to shine light into my mind and my soul.

The next couple of months were still difficult but i found myself actually beginning to experience joy again, the joy of just getting up and getting through the day with less and less pain was becoming so clear and habitual now that i remember feeling gratified and i would often look up into the sky and thank the universe for what it had shown me .. The joy of knowing that my life could change.. and that i can become a better, happier person, that i dont need to become consumed with hatred and depression.

I was allowing my life to be controlled by someone else! It was at that moment when the "AHH HAH" moments began to pour into my life. I began applying the principles and instructions i learned in "the secret" and i watched it nightly for inspiration and to remind me that i wasnt alone in this universe! i continued to persist and do what i learned in the film.. I then began researching the internet for others who shared this philosophy and who had very similar experiences to my own.. whether it was a love affair or any other Really bleak experience, I found a support group of people VERY quickly and again this was very helpful for me.. we exchanged stories and helped to inspire one another to greatness.

I then was asked about this "secret" because in group therapy i talked about the universe and the laws i was becoming aware of more and more each day. I was becoming a leader and it was at this point when i knew that i was destined for greatness.. I began helping people and guiding them to shift their awareness on themselves and what they were allowing into their minds.... They were more than greatful.. i continued to work with others in therapy for about 2 years.. But i needed to figure out what i was going to do financially because i was on welfare at this point and really needed to figure out my next plan of action.

I began researching Home based business opportunities and i looked and looked and found more of the same "heavy hitters" telling me how network marketing is a "sales business" and "if its to be its up to me" i then began looking for training and coaching programs online as well.. I came across MY LEAD SYSTEM PRO.. and realized it was a terrible scam and i wasnt going to pay 600 dollars a month for training and coaching.. so i sat down and began visualizing and believing that a better way would come to me and i continued to do this for about 6 months and low and behold POW!!!!

I got an email from a friend in michigan telling me about Mentoring for free and the way this program was not only helping him with the skills in network marketing... But helping him on a personal level because of the Wonderful Loving people who are involved with mentoring for free!!! And i looked into it and began communicating with these people and they welcomed me in with open arms... embraced me and told me that Success and happiness is a TEAM effort and that we cannot do it alone in this world.

I was so overwhelmed with Relief and gratitude that i joined them.. And to this day i am so happy to be involved with this group of friends who love me .. i feel like i have a real family and people who truly care and want my success just as much as they want their own.. Network marketing is a relationship-love business... Teaching and mentoring... it is not about numbers and sales.. People have to know that in times of complete isolation and darkness and saddness that someone out there is thinking of them... that someone cares... and will show them the way to ascension beyond the means of what reality has done to them to bring them into a state of total despair..Remember we are all in this together and it is up to us to change the world... !!!!! Here are the links to this wonderful group of people in mentoring for free

Saturday, June 16, 2012

what do i find myself complaining about the most..

hello out there and welcome to another one of my blog posts.. today i would like to talk about the things that i complain about the most.. well first off i will say that i cant stand hypocrites! this world has enough hypocrisy just in its own societies and for people to support these hypocrisies is a huge Flaw that gets me going... I dont know about you but when someone condemns something they dont understand or internalizes the idea or thing they dont agree with and then they do it themselves???? i mean come on.... People need to live and let others live... One thing i cannot stand is religious fundamentalists.. anti abortion protesters, People who protest about feminism and things of this nature... but then they themselves speak out against persecution and bigotry??? it BLOWS my mind that people actually think that behavior like this is somehow beneficial or Going to accomplish ANYTHING... all its going to do is make them look like idiots.. plain and simple... No ethinc group, religion or pro life activist has ANY right to condemn a woman or otherwise insult her choices if she decides to have an abortion!! people need to MIND their own business!! if it isnt directly hurting them or their lives why do they feel the need to care???? Stop imposing your will on others and then crying OPPRESSION when someone tries to impose their will unto you!!! enough of the hypocrisy!! think for yourself!!!! Let no one and nothing influence  your own personal viewpoints on things.. be it abortion, same sex marraige, Etc.... LET PEOPLE LIVE!!!! look within and only concern yourself with what YOUR doing.... not anyone else...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

how i rose to become a better person

hello everyone this is chris peeters here with another blog post and i am going to talk about what drove me to become a mentor, a coach, and a person who wants to own his mind and life.. I will start of by saying that my journey hasnt been easy but thats everyones story nowadays isnt it?? anyhow enough of that.. I was born in bergen norway on september the 21st 1980 at 7:44 pm. My mother was an amazing person, always affectionate, she made sure she always took an interest in me and what i was doing.. supportive and loving in every way possible..

My father was a decent person for the first 3 years of my life... he worked hard as a D.I.Y mechanic and started his own business fixing cars for people but he was constantly losing money because people were "burning" him, he couldnt figure out why this was happening and he began to become increasingly angry and bitter,.. he began to take it out on my mother at first, they would often yell and scream at each other for hours. I can remember going to sleep so many nights wondering if my parents were going to seperate, mind you it didnt really bother me as i had always been a resilient person and dealt with things rather well.. despite all of this my dad decided that he would go away and work on the oil rigs in alberta... he would be gone for months at a time but again this never really bothered me much.

What did begin to bother me was when he became both mentally and physically abusive to me and my mother on a daily basis... regardless of what he was angry about he was taking it out on the wrong people.. my mother would often come home crying from work for fear of what my father would do to her if she didnt cook dinner right away etc etc... I can remember being around 4 years old and playing at my uncle dales house and i was running around a glass coffee table and he must have become annoyed because he stuck out his foot and tripped me... i cut my left temple on the coffee table and was pronounced dead after being rushed to the hospital... they obviously managed to bring me back to life... Anyhow this cycle of abuse continued towards me and my mom until i turned 8 years old when Child and family services took me from my home and placed me into foster care.. my mom continued to fight for custody of me and managed to win.. we moved from norway to brandon manitoba in the summer of 1990..

I enjoyed most of my pre pubescent years and had a normal childhood... i spent alot of time reading and educating myself as i grew into a teenager... when i was 15 i had my first girlfriend... it went rather well... but like all relationships it ended... Moving onto highschool I was always different... i had long hair.. wore black clothes and loved heavy metal music. I obviously became a target for ridicule and abuse from my peers.. i was harassed constantly. It boils down to people fearing what is different and free.. much like it is in the world today and it seems to continue endlessley in schools, the workplace, in relationships.... people need to quit trying to control each other in all aspects.

Onward from highschool i enrolled in brandon university when i was 20 I studied psychology biology and botany.. i did rather well but i didnt finish because i partied to much.. I then began working in normal routine jobs and never had much success because i always felt that it just simply was a waste of time to do meaningless work for people who didnt appreciate me anyways and i started to become more and more cynical of human nature and life itself as a human being.

When i was 22 i met my first real love... we were incredible.. did everything together, talked about anything and everything.. there was no secrets, no lies... the perfect relationship.. at the time i was heavily into marijuana and i became increasingly suspicious of her activities outside the house due to the paranoia from smoking the marijuana.. i started to doubt her emotions and sincerity towards me and became emotionally abuse and distant.. and i knew that she was changing.. she started to hang out with a male more and more and ended up leaving me for him.. i began suffering from severe insomnia, panic attacks and depression.. i thought i was going insane.. i would find myself wandering around for days on end sleepless and anxious.. i discovered the linden method and began to cure myself of my anxiety and depression and tried to move on from her as much as possible.. but like any loss healing is a process and it took me around 3 years to get over her.. my anxiety reduction was gradual and took time to reverse.. I then began to read many books on self help and the laws of the universe and thought.. i discovered a wonderful book called "Think and grow rich by napoleon hill" and the film "the secret" Both of these things were tremendous amounts of help for me and i began to apply the principles of my newfound knowledge and my perspective on life began to change.. granted like any process i still had days and even weeks of bad days and i still was quite an angry person..

I then began to research the internet for home based business opportunities and i researched network marketing for over 3 years before i discovered mentoring for free... this program has changed my life... it is helping me to become more and more positive and gain control of my mind so that i dont fall back into old habitual behaviors.. I am learning HOW to be a leader and a wonderful husband for my new love so that i can give her what i never gave anyone else before.. i want to continue to inspire others to succeed and overcome adversity and help them tap into the potential that lays in every single one of us... if only each person on earth allowed themselves to see it.. this world would be a very different place .. i hope that you enjoy my story and find it inspirational and motivating... thank you

Friday, June 1, 2012

the lies that are told in network marketing

"click here youll make over 5000$ in your first 24 hours" sounds ridiculous doesnt it? the fact is These companies do exist.. they thrive on sign-ups, recruit driven business models and companies that promise huge payouts but never deliver... the fact is that these companies are scams... they tell you that you can make huge profits on signing up people...well let me ask you this... what is the point of signing up people if no one trusts you?  if your people drop out after 48 hours??? how ridiculous can it possibly get?? the fact is most network marketing companies do not train their people to create trust and build relationships with their people... and lets face it.. you wont get anywhere in business or life if you arent genuine, trustworthy or if you are selfish and ego focused... People do not join companies... people join people.. and no one gives a DAMN about your downline, your product or your company reps... they care about "can i do this"   "will anyone care enough about ME and MY goals to help ME succeed online" these are the questions your prospects have.. and their goals and dreams MUST be your first priority.. people can smell scams and con artists a mile away.

There is nothing worse than someone online telling you that in order to succeed it is all up to YOU... how in the hell can you build a company alone? how can you succeed alone?? you cant!!! you need a TEAM!!! and the way you build a team is by being a genuine caring individual and showing an interest in your prospects lives, their childrens names, their grandfathers and grandmothers names... etc... people are people NOT numbers... These idiot heavy hitters i see all over the internet make me so angry! and they get away with scamming people all the time and it needs to stop because it gives real networkers a bad name! it makes people believe that no one can be trusted and that everyone is out to take take take... and that simply is not true... Mentoring for free is the answer to this problem on the internet... we are a group of friends and volunteers... we never charge a dime for any of our training and skills calls... and so much more... we talk to you like a human being... we have no egos and no agendas... all of our training is generic and we teach you the skills you need to become successful and also educate you on how to identify the companies that are genuine and relationship driven and those that are scam artists... i hope this information is enlightening to you just as it has been to me, and i am confident that you will gain alot of insight by clicking on the links below and learning everything you need to know to make an educated choice!! i look forward to hearing from you! thank you