Thursday, March 28, 2013

chapter I- thoughts are things

well i have begun a turning point, my current girlfriend and i may be seperating due to personal differences.. Now my initial reaction has been reacting with fear and negativity, But the lesson im getting from this chapter is that I can master my mind so that i can recognize this as an opportunity to move on and meet a new person who will most likely be alot more condusive and positive and supportive to my decisions and my goals and reasons for doing what i do. I have tried to make this work for 2 years and she can never apologize for anything she does, there is no reflection on her part in the relationship and why we are becoming disconnected.. i try and communicate with her and she doesnt take me seriously.. she feels i make excuses for Not wanting to move in with her, but my reasons are very valid.. she can be very mean, controlling and sets ultimatums.. she has mocked mentoring for free, the mental cleanse, and has tried to tell me that i cannot make a living off of my business. I obviously love her because i have seen her through all of this and still continue to love her.. But i feel strongly that this love isnt as reciprocal as i might have come to believe.. if anyone can advise me on this matter i welcome it.. id really appreciate this..

chris peeters
facebook-damian chris peters

P.s Here is a link to chapter I of napoleon hills' think and grow rich.. you can go and download this chapter! you wish!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Choosing the Right Social Network to Promote Yourself

The two biggest challenges you will face in trying to market your products and
opportunity, via social communities are the following:
1) Choosing a Social Community to Focus Your Efforts On
2) Gaining Any Traction or Visibility

Back in 2006 when MySpace and YouTube were breaking into the scene among
recreational internet users, there were very few entrepreneurs who had realized that
these social networks could be viable places to market a business.
Believe it or not, there was a time when MySpace was NOT flooded with spam and fake
messages from bikini clad women trying to lure you into their web cam membership

MySpace at one point was actually used to socialize and meet new friends. Strange, I
know! It was around this time that a few friends of mine started experimenting with MySpace

to market and promote their particular business opportunity. Their experiment
succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and brought them financial freedom.
They literally had MySpace to themselves, using fundamental direct response principles
and ‘friend getting software’ to build up their friends list to thousands upon thousands
of people.

Before you knew it, people were requesting information on how they did it, so they
offered training on how to use MySpace to market a network marketing business.
Pretty soon, they weren’t the only ones. The copycats ran amok.
Guru after guru started popping up, promising you the latest tactic, trick, technique or
software to ‘explode your business’ through MySpace. Soon after that, MySpace became
flooded with network marketers using automated software to do friend requests,
commenting and private messaging.

I got caught up in the hype and all the tools and tricks for marketing on MySpace, yet I
couldn’t seem to get it to work.

Then other social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Squidoo, Twitter,,, etc. started popping up and becoming the next big thing in the internet
marketing craze and wanna-be entrepreneurs started shifting from community to
community, creating profiles, doing friend requests, spamming those friends and
getting nowhere fast.

Internet marketing gurus, realizing the frustrations of these entrepreneurs, started
offering training on how to use social media to market. Some of these programs were
legitimate, while others were simply offering mediocre teaching and just making a quick
buck from the craze. Again, I got caught up in that too. Not much success.

The Turning Point Which Turned My Social Media Efforts, Into
Profits Then one day, I was on a free training call with Dennis Karganilla, and he discussed
some of the fundamental principles which had made their marketing on MySpace and
YouTube so effective.
I remember him covering the concepts behind ‘My Story Marketing’, which simply put,
was about using proven copywriting formulas and storytelling on your MySpace profile.
He talked about structuring the content on your MySpace profile like a sales letter, but
with a more personal touch.

He stressed the importance of telling your story with as much passion and honesty as
possible. He emphasized that there is only one of you, therefore it is the best way to
eliminate competition.

He taught that you should be honest about your struggles, pains and triumphs. Up until that point, I had heard of people having massive success with their programs, but I didn’t really understand why until hearing him describe how he went about creating a profile.

At that point, I realized that all the tricks, tactics and techniques didn’t matter if I wasn’t
able to make a personal connection with other folks on MySpace. With thousands
literally screaming at the people on my friend’s list, to check out the ‘hottest ground
floor’ opportunity, I realized that the only way someone is going to listen to me is if they
trusted me and felt like they knew me.

The fact of the matter is that when all was set and done, MySpace and any other
community was about relationships and connecting with people on a personal level. It’s
the one thing, which is going to bring down the defenses of your prospect and get them
to listen to you.
From that point on, I focused on being as genuine as possible and contributing the most
value I possibly could in any video, article or post I made in the social media world. the bottom line is you need to build relationships, and develop KNOW LIKE AND TRUST.. its just that simple!!

chapter 14-the sixth sense- the door to the temple of wisdom

Upon listening to this chapter i came across many different things in my mind, One being that the mental cleanse is a LIFE long journey because we have years and years of both positive and negative experiences to Sort through, and it is through this medium of the ether that the sixth sense is realized, and nourished or ignored, this sixth sense is our own inner guidance and feeds our imagination and in turn they feed one another.. 

I am on this path now because it has been calling me for years and years, i just chose to ignore its calling.. I always wanted to become an independant business operator.. making my own schedule, Having the dream of becoming abundant in every area of my life.. little did i know at the time that self development was SO IMPORTANT in making this happen. Micheal dlouhy always reminds us..

 "in order to make more you have to become more" It must be noted that the only way to do this is through A desire so powerful mixed with faith and subconcious re-programming that we get ourselves to this HIGHER State of awareness known as the sixth sense, Knowing within ourselves that we cannot fail is harnessed by practicing our positive self talk, Being around others who will elevate us when and IF we become discouraged.. there will be days where you may feel like quitting, but if you have a strong enough desire, mastermind group and a WHY that is so powerful that it reminds you that what you want is possible, then that feeling will pass rather quickly and you will want to go on and feel renewed and refreshed!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

chapter 13-the brain

Enlightenment shall come to those who earnestly seek its wisdom and truth, it is truly an amazing feat when we all work together towards one common goal and massive results we never expected are accomplished! A prime example of this happening in my life were in times of real strife and defeat, I sought a group of people whos minds were all focused on the same goals that i had set out for myself, These goals entailed pulling out of depression and anxiety, thus i sought specific groups who specialized in depression and anxiety! and how to combat and cure these conditions,

To this day i am in the process of eliminating both depression and my anxiety which is often characterized by my own tendency to over analyze and draw conclusions that havent presented themselves yet.. I have seen myself undergo a vast improvement in both thought and habitual action as a result of taking part in this 30 day mental cleanse, by learning to be SELFLESS, within reason of course, and by being patient and persistent in my goals of building a successful business that will sustain myself, and everyone that downloads the ebook from me, I am very patient with my clients and i never push them to listen to the calls or send me their why, i plant the seeds and let THEM make the decision for themselves..

This is how ive learned whos minds are intertwined with my own goals and desires... its those who download the book, read or listen, then they do the skills calls, send me their why, Then they ask for the coaching call... THOSE are the leaders who i ask for in my self talks, Those are the people i WANT to be on my team so We can harmonize our minds and attract more of the same minded people who are network marketing Warriors who will never quit!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

chapter 10-the power of the mastermind group

This chapter to me illustrated to importance of Commonalities with people you talk to build your business with, and the principles of harmonizing with people in your life, relationships, Business relationships and learning how to convey ideas and beliefs into action with the aid of like minded people who are all aspiring towards the same goals and direction, It isnt hard to see that success always comes as a result of Many minds working together, yet all ideas are born of a single mind. No single mind is alone in its existence, for we are all wired together. this chapter gives many examples on the power of the mastermind group, one example is mahatma gandhi who as a leader has inspired over 200 million people to come together through a universal belief thus resulting in his example of power, and the principle of the mastermind group.

Chapter 12 the subconcious mind- the connecting link

I remember how my journey began 3 years ago when i was in a difficult and dark place in my life, and i remember looking around me and saying "wow is this really it"? "can my life get any worse"??? I was depressed, angry, hopeless and at such a low vibrational energy that i would blame everyone else for my misery ,i hated my friends, i hated my job, i hated my life... i was also on social assistance and Did not really care if i ever got anywhere in my life, and i guess i always knew to some extent that the results i was experiencing were a result of programming my mind with all of this toxic energy, and i always believed it was Someone elses fault, or some external factor that was causing this misery in my life... this book has been transforming me in so many ways... I am finally learning HOW to think not WHAT to think, I am isolating my negative thoughts more and more and transcending my emotions and beliefs into abundance and hope, and happiness... through mentoring for free i have learned to fight on, to carry on, to lead, to be inspired, to become more honest and sincere in my endevours. I have learned to treat people better and to take responsibility for my life.. to take ACTION and stop making excuses!!!! i am pushing myself and have re-ignited the fire within to achieve anything i want and to help others do exactly the same thing!! i want to thank all of you in mentoring for free for helping me to see the light when i dwelled so long in darkness!!!