Saturday, April 26, 2014

The law of sub concious Counter Intentions

Genuine gratitude is A powerful Self Cleaning tool, Now what do i mean by a self cleaning tool? Well if you are Familiar with the law of Attraction then you will Know that we create our own Reality And in saying this you may then have questions Like "Well why doesnt it work all the time? "I am doing visualization, I am believing in what i am asking the universe for, I am taking action, Etc etc" Now here is the Rub of all of this are you ready?

If you have Sub-concious Counter intentions then that is the filter that is Seperating you from the divine, And these sub concious counter intentions are based on MEMORIES, and Beliefs that have been installed in your subconcious mind over time and it comes from a wide variety of sources, The tv programs you watched, the people you have hung around with, The media and more.. Now It is imperative that you understand that These are Only programs and memories and these can be Taken care of and Dissolved and Erased.

The hidden beliefs that hold you back are Deep within your subconcious mind, Now the good news is that There are Cleaning and Clearing methods that you can Use To Begin to dissolve these Limitations. In my Last Blog post I Spoke about Self Identity Ho'oponopono and the power of This cleaning process, I also explained The origin of this famous Philosophy and How it works...

Now for your Refreshment i Will elaborate on it again, Because this is One of the Cleaning methods that you can use to begin to dissolve those counter beliefs within you that are holding you back from succeeding  This process is very simple to do.. It begins with you Holding in your awareness ANY limiting belief that you have, And the good news is You dont have to specifically Know what the belief is!!! All you need to know is that the beliefs are there...You begin by saying the following " I love you, Im sorry, Please Forgive me, And thank you! Say this constantly at least 200 times per day.  This will become One of your New positive Self talks! As you do this you will begin to notice a Shift In your perception!

Clarity Is essential to making the law of attraction work FOR YOU... Now its vital that you remember that the law of attraction is always working! IT IS A LAW! it doesnt work sometimes and then not other times, That very belief is Wrong!  If the law of gravity only worked sometimes then life would be very hard now wouldnt it? This is the same thing!!! you have total faith and belief in the law of gravity right? Well this applies here as well! You must trust in the DIVINE!  you have to get into Clarity and understanding of why your reality unfolds the way it does.. You cannot Blame the world, People, or Circumstances! The all may Seem Totally illogical, But that is another LIMITING belief you have within yourself that needs to be CLEANED and CLEARED!!! Its that simple.

Let me go into another cleaning method that I am currently also using Is Gratitude! Make a list of things you are Greatful for!!  Here is my personal list

1-I am Greatful For my Mother! She has been One of the most influential and supportive People i have ever Known! my mother is Loving, Caring, Considerate and Strong!

2- I am greatful For my Girlfriend Camila, She has been one of the most loving caring people i have
Ever known, She is so understanding, trustworthy, Caring and honest!

3- I am Greatful For my Job With the Winnipeg Free Press And the Brandon Sun. This Job has Helped Me
Earn a Living and Save money to Begin building my Business

4- I am Greatful For The Mentoring For Free Community This group of people have been amazing! This program has Helped Me continue to grow and Learn the skills that i need to become a professional network marketer and Overall Better person.

5-I am greatful for my Team in IT WORKS GLOBAL!  Because they are helping me to grow my business and Expand my income and Help everyone on our team Achieve Financial Freedom!

6- I am Greatful for my roomates David And Zachery.. Dave had been my friend for over 14 years and He has Been with me through alot of dark times in my life.. He is a brother. My roomate Zach Is a new addition to my life But Zach has proven to be very kind, And caring and trustworthy. Zach has now become a brother as well.

7- I am Greatful for my Cat Sinndel She is amazing, A beautiful Tuxedo Breed. Sinndel has been the Closest Cat ive ever had in my life... I love her so much.

8-I am Greatful for my home and the Location That i live in

9-I am Greatful For The Missing Secret by Dr Joe Vitale, This program is Helping Me to Dissolve The Subconcious Counter Intentions within me that is Blocking the law of attraction from working In my favor in every instance!!! Below you will Find a short Preview Video on this program!

  Now Let me close by saying that If you are In need of Help Whether its in your business, Personal life, Or with your Current Circumstances I Promise you that I am able to Help you.. I will connect you with people who care about you and Want you to succeed in your life!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Self Identity Ho'oponopono Process

What is self identity Ho'oponopono?, Well Dr hew  len Was a psychiatric physician  That was working at a psychiatric hospital in hawai that Healed an entire mental ward without seeing any of the patients directly, One of the conditions of him offering his healing there was that he would NOT see any patients directly. All he wanted was the individual case files of the People that lived in the hospital.. Now We all know that asylums are dark ,desolate places... People live in a reality of despair, Depression and Feelings of hopelessness and isolation...They feel like no one understands them and that they indeed have no way of changing their situation, But Dr hew Len believed that He could heal an entire psych ward with The Self Identity Ho'oponopono process.

He worked for the hospital for the criminally insane In hawai, He was their staff therapist and he would walk up and down the hallways and looked at each patient, But he never talked with any of them Directly.. When he went back into his office he would Close his door and think of each patient individually and would  pull out their files and look at them... He would then use this technique to Clean on and Clear up what he was feeling within himself and as he used this technique Those patients Started to get better!!! Now you may be asking, "Well how is this even possible"?? And i will tell you, The fact that you are asking that very question is indicating that you have LIMITING beliefs within you, and if you are going to have success in your life then you MUST clean and Clear those opposing beliefs that are Intefering with you getting what you conciously say you want!!!!

Now, Let me be very Clear here... In order to understand this particular cleaning and Clearing Technique you have to Be willing to assume 100% Total Responsibility for what your Currently Experiencing... The reality that you are In right now, No matter How bad OR good... YOU are responsible for! Now i understand that this concept is VERY hard to understand But When you can understand it you will begin to uncover things about yourself that you Were not conciously aware of before..

So when Dr Hew Len Looked at the patients Files he would then Clean on them by Saying the following Affirmation " I love you"  " Im sorry"  "Please Forgive me" "Thank you"  Now you might be asking well what does that have to do with healing the patient and Why Would he even say that, And Dr Hew Len then Went onto say that "Whatever i notice in someone else Exists within me first and as i clean it within myself It will clean itself within the other person"  WOW! now this is something most people Will probably dismiss and Say well how can those Four phrases do anything?  Well This method is all about Total Responsibility, Meaning that We all create our own reality, If somebody shows up in your world... And you Create your own reality, Then Didnt you create that Person too? And no i do not mean LITERALLY... But what you did create is the TYPE of person that has shown up in your world.

Now what you are doing by Repeating the following phrases "I love you Im Sorry Please forgive me And thank you" Is taking it to the divine and asking it to be ERASED.. and as its erased in you, it is then Erased in the other person!  Everything you look at in the outer world is a Projection, Everything you experience In your day to day life is a projection of whats Inside of you and what your expectations and beliefs Hold within themselves, So with that said Ask yourself this   "What is my programming"?  What does it mean to Clean your beliefs? Well it means that its all about total responsibility, everything in your perception you Helped co create... ..You name it, You helped create it!  Here are Some videos of a seminar For Self identity Ho'oponopono

Friday, April 18, 2014

color yourself to success!!!

You will learn EXACTLY how to talk with a prospect
for 3 minutes and find out the following:

  • Is this a good team player?
  • Is this person good at support?
  • Is this prospect over-sensitive?
  • Is this prospect creative?
  • Does this prospect need to see the big picture rather than specific facts & figures?
  • Does this prospect need specific facts & figures rather than the big picture?
  • Is this prospect a self-starter?
  • Will this prospect be a good promoter?
  • Is this prospect unorganized or scattered?
  • Is this prospect poor on follow-up?
  • Does this prospect crave excitement?
  • Is this prospect a perfectionist?
  • Does this prospect consider themself the smartest person on the planet?
  • Is this prospect a great planner?
  • Is this prospect excellent at follow-up?
  • Does this prospect excel at strategy?
  • Is this prospect unteachable?
  • Will this prospect be a top recruiter?
  • Is this prospect strongly money-motivated?
  • Will this prospect be a Leader?
  • What is the best compensation plan for this prospect to work?
  • And much, much more! If you want to build a lifetime of retention
  • Then you need to create Relationships with people and Be true and congruent to your genuine interest in Helping THEM its that simple
  • Take action now and download our free Ebook Success in 10 steps by Micheal Dlouhy

the 5 Pillars for your success! the key to Understanding what it takes to build a successful Business

"Dozens of M-L-M companies have found a
simple new way to steal your paycheck!"

 the big M-L-M dream is to work
hard a few years, then retire with a life
time income.

Problem is, many M-L-M companies hate it
when they still have to send you a check,
after you have retired.

So they came up with a solution.

Many companies now have inserted ONE word
into their Policies & Procedures that will
eliminate the chance that you'll ever re-
tire and still get a check.

The lawyers have found ONE word that allows
companies to hide the fact that they intend
to legally steal your paycheck.

This Saturday night april the 19,th  at 9:00 pm
Eastern time, on our "Five Pillars For
Success" conference call,

We'll tell you what that one word is. Once
you know it, then you can check your Policies
& Procedures so you know where you stand.

It is F*REE to listen to this LIVE conf. call,
however we only have a limited number of spots
on the conference bridge.

Just reply back with "5 Pillars" in the subject
line to confirm your planned attendance.

As soon as I get your reply, I'll make sure to
reserve you a spot on the call and get the access
information to you.

This is going to be packed out call!

This information is critical to your financial future.

To Your Success,

Chris peeters

PS: Be sure to check out our ebook which shows
you step-by-step on how to reach your dreams.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter 9 Persistence

Chapter 9-Persistence, The sustained Effort necessary to induce faith,  The 8th step towards riches.. For me persistence means Everything, It is the Elixir of my life I know that i cannot accomplish my dreams without it! People have to learn that in order to achieve Their dreams they must possess the Desire, faith, Decision making ability and a definite Purpose which are all critical to Persistence.  Persistence must also become a habit, And how i began to Build the habit of persistence Is through taking constant daily action to improve my situation and Grow internally, and become successful Creating the income from home that will allow me to travel, Spend money without blinking an eye, give money away to causes i believe in, Give money to friends and family and help out in every way i can!  

I have been so happy since i have found this wonderful program and friends i have made since I have joined Mentoring for free,
The changes that im noticing have astounded me and made me a more tolerant, Humble Loving caring person. I know that an attitude of humilty, Respect, Consideration and The willingness to learn HOW to listen each time there is a colors call.  I am applying these principles in my everyday life and I am now getting along with people better and how to feel where they are coming from and identify with them! All of this was learned through persistence! Getting on the calls, Staying close to the fire!!!! I will never quit my journey! If you want to change your life then you need to Download our free ebook success in 10 steps by micheal Dlouhy free ebook personal development program
Http:// day mental cleanse registration page

Love and appreciation
Chris peeters

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter 8-Decision the mastery of Procrastination

Decision--The mastery of procrastination the Seventh step toward riches,

The habit of reaching decisions quickly and promptly for me Gives me Peace of mind, I know that In order to be inspiring to other people and to Make a difference in peoples lives That reaching decisions quickly is so important. Tonight was rather Interesting for me because My roomates and i were discussing The various things that we do each day. 

My roomate zach has a full time body piercing Career and he is Only 23 years old And he has told me that he wished he had enjoyed his youth more by Spending more time with his friends.. He feels like he missed out on being young and Doing what young people do, I explained to him that he should be very proud of himself for making the decision to Burn with desire and Faith that he would accomplish his dream to become a full time body piercer. His Persistence and determination are what Make him have the qualities of a  great Leader and Teacher, Because of his devotion to his Dream he can now Help others in the Field of body modification and Be a mentor to those who want to work in this field.

My Roomate dave... Well this is the other side of the coin, He possesses almost no ambition from my perspective, He has the habit of procrastinating and taking his "time" when it comes to doing things.. Even things he needs to get done seem to have a "why worry about it now when i have all the time in the world to do this" Mentality, I then challenge him and ask him "Do you feel that pushing yourself is detrimental to your health or something"   he answers "Yes, Why push myself and hurt myself to do something now when i can take my time and do it accordingly"  I then realized that I cannot help him.

 Yes he is my friend and he is important to me but i would NEVER have him in my business Because this industry requires Stepping up to the plate and hitting the ball On the FIRST throw... Not waiting for Ball 4 and letting the ball hit you and then you take your base!!!!  Excuses are Aliby's to permit failure and A lack mentality... I understand that Pushing myself to my limits is only the beginning Because if i have the drive, the discipline and the resolve to make myself great?  Then the rewards are ENDLESS. I realize it is NOT my role or my purpose to figure out the Levels of drive or motivation in others... it is only my Role and purpose to find those leaders who Are playing the game with a Grand Slam mentality, And who know that Pushing themselves beyond their limits is not only possible But Essential to success!!!!! TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE!!!! WE MUST ACT AND TAKE ACTION CONSTANTLY!

Thank you to micheal and linda dlouhy and all of you for believing in me and my potential!
chris peeters

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Importance of learning to Tolerate others if your going to be successful In lIfe

What does it mean to be tolerant, Well for me it comes in the form of knowing That everyone has differences in opinions, Beliefs, Feelings, And internal representations of Outside Stimuli.  I know that everyone perceives reality differently.. And it is through this difference in perception that one forms belief systems and internal representations.

When people come together and Get to know one another they either will grow and learn from each other, Or they will fight and argue because one party feels that their perceptions and opinions are more valid and concrete than the other, This is what is known as Intolerance and it causes alot of Disarray and Un-necessary conflict between people because intolerance stems from the ego. Ego is the most Counter productive force when it comes to co-operation and Teamwork, Things like your Idiosyncrasies and How you represent reality become of little importance when working together with people to achieve A desired outcome!!

The ego then should be only there when Self preservation is a factor and only when it is absolutley needed Like when One is defending ones opinions or rights and beliefs.  Let us now focus on Tolerance and how it can be developed, Tolerance can be developed through Learning from anyone who has entered your life, We all have something to offer someone else as long as our intentions are pure and honest and are coming from a place of selflessness and Compassion. and a true desire to be of inspiration to another persons goals and endevour.

Working together towards a common goal is a Learned process that requires a mastermind group of people all Planning and reviewing, Doing, and adjusting , Identifying Strengths and weaknesses within each other And then Helping one another Overcome those weakness through organized planning, Specialized knowledge , Faith and Desire.  It is necessary That we have an attitude of Humility and Be free of the need to defend ourselves.  If the need to defend yourself Should arise then these people obviously are intolerant  and Do not possess the qualities of a leader Or a true friend and positive influence for your life!

Leadership involves admitting your weaknesses and Learning from your followers... Truly leading means that you leave footprints that anyone can follow And by doing so you can duplicate success time and time again Because you know what it takes to Be a Real leader and a Tolerant being so that you are approachable and can Induce others to be Co-Operative.