Thursday, April 10, 2014

My personal lesson plan for chapter 8-Decision the mastery of Procrastination

Decision--The mastery of procrastination the Seventh step toward riches,

The habit of reaching decisions quickly and promptly for me Gives me Peace of mind, I know that In order to be inspiring to other people and to Make a difference in peoples lives That reaching decisions quickly is so important. Tonight was rather Interesting for me because My roomates and i were discussing The various things that we do each day. 

My roomate zach has a full time body piercing Career and he is Only 23 years old And he has told me that he wished he had enjoyed his youth more by Spending more time with his friends.. He feels like he missed out on being young and Doing what young people do, I explained to him that he should be very proud of himself for making the decision to Burn with desire and Faith that he would accomplish his dream to become a full time body piercer. His Persistence and determination are what Make him have the qualities of a  great Leader and Teacher, Because of his devotion to his Dream he can now Help others in the Field of body modification and Be a mentor to those who want to work in this field.

My Roomate dave... Well this is the other side of the coin, He possesses almost no ambition from my perspective, He has the habit of procrastinating and taking his "time" when it comes to doing things.. Even things he needs to get done seem to have a "why worry about it now when i have all the time in the world to do this" Mentality, I then challenge him and ask him "Do you feel that pushing yourself is detrimental to your health or something"   he answers "Yes, Why push myself and hurt myself to do something now when i can take my time and do it accordingly"  I then realized that I cannot help him.

 Yes he is my friend and he is important to me but i would NEVER have him in my business Because this industry requires Stepping up to the plate and hitting the ball On the FIRST throw... Not waiting for Ball 4 and letting the ball hit you and then you take your base!!!!  Excuses are Aliby's to permit failure and A lack mentality... I understand that Pushing myself to my limits is only the beginning Because if i have the drive, the discipline and the resolve to make myself great?  Then the rewards are ENDLESS. I realize it is NOT my role or my purpose to figure out the Levels of drive or motivation in others... it is only my Role and purpose to find those leaders who Are playing the game with a Grand Slam mentality, And who know that Pushing themselves beyond their limits is not only possible But Essential to success!!!!! TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE!!!! WE MUST ACT AND TAKE ACTION CONSTANTLY!

Thank you to micheal and linda dlouhy and all of you for believing in me and my potential!
chris peeters

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