Monday, February 27, 2012

The importance of good nutrition!!!

The importance of good nutrition is essential to us feeling and doing our best in life.. Just as a car needs proper maintaining so do our minds and bodies.. Proper nutrition plays a key role in how we feel from day to day... also in how well we sleep.. and how well our moods are regulated!! Take a look at the people in the world today we have an obesity epidemic that is Growing rapidly because of how fast paced our lives have become!! families RARELY take the time to eat at the dinner table and as a result the children of these families are suffering ill health and poor responsibility in exercising Good eating habits!! People have become to Accustomed to eating what is available RIGHT NOW... these foods contain LITTLE to no nutritional value and are high in fat and sugar content..

I NEVER myself eat fast food.. The only foods i eat out are Foods from real restaraunt establishments and i make sure to get vegetables ALWAYS!!!  I do not eat any red meat or pultry.. the only meat i consume is seafood.. ie: Shrimp, Tuna, etc.. it is vital that you do not eat to much red meat because the body has ALOT of difficulty digesting red meats.. also its very fatty and can contain deadly pathogens and Hormones from growth stimulation to make the cow or pig or even chickens bigger!!  Eating poorly will make you feel tired, anxious and irritable.. it also will contribute to irregular sleeping patterns and anxiety.. It can also lead to clinical depression!!! And no one wants to eat when they become depressed!! what a vicious cycle! Good nutrition leads to an overall well being and focused Attention on tasks and achievement! Any athlete will tell you that if they ate Poorly their performance would be SIGNIFICANTLY altered!!!  Start by making a list of the foods you eat and at the times you eat...

Consult with a Physician or Dietician
I would strongly encourage you to have a visit with someone who is an expert in the area of nutrition.
Sit down with your physician or dietician and go over your nutritional plan. You might say, “But
Jim, I am not overweight. I am in good shape.” I would encourage you to visit with your healthcare
professional anyway. Just because you aren’t overweight doesn’t mean you can’t improve your
nutrition, which will in turn improve your health.
Take in a Healthy Supply of Good, Nutritional Fuel
Unlike the vehicle we drive, our bodies can run well on a wide variety of foods. Could you imagine if
you had to eat the same kind of food every time you ate? That would get boring very fast! Fortunately,
we have plethora of foods that can fuel our bodies properly—all of the healthy choices of fruits,
vegetables, breads, grains, meats and dairy products that can help our bodies operate at maximum
efficiency. Be sure to eat a wide variety of foods and enjoy them

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