Sunday, March 4, 2012

"your Burning passionate desires"

Hello everyone out there i am writing a post in regards to WHY i want success.. WHY i want to create changes in my life..What i love... What i hate... what i want to get out of and what situations i want to change and have my life in complete control...Then i will be elaborating on the importance of your own why and what exactly you want out of life
1-I need to succeed in order to have financial freedom to move and travel
2-I want to stop living with roomates.
3-i want to be able to play drums and guitar at ANYTIME..
4-i want the freedom to wander around my house naked ANYTIME i want...To make love to my girlfriend ANYWHERE in the house at anytime..
5-I want to help others reach their goals in order to change this world and make it a better place
6-I want to help my girlfriend achieve her goals and dreams
7-I want to Reach out and educate people on how to successfully run and maintain a network marketing business
8- I want to help my mom out financially if able
9- I want to feel complete spiritual harmony and freedom from worry or anxiety about my relationship with my girlfriend
10-I want to persist and persist to learn self discipline and achieve whatever i desire
11-I want happiness and fortune and security.
12-I want to change peoples perceptions on network marketing
13-I want to develop listening skills and trust with my clients.
14-I never want life to seem dull or repetitive.
15-I want to be able to take a vacation on a WHIM with my girlfriend
16-I want to educate as many people as possible with mentoring for free so that they can in turn educate others and create true friendships and retention thus making network marketing EASY and fun!

This is MY why.....Whats yours??? what do you want? what do you you want to change? how much time do you want with your family? What could you do to feel fullfilled and happy? How much time do you spend at your current job? How much money are you making right now with your current job? Is it enough to do the things you want? Success leaves footprints that can be followed..If you want to succeed in life and in network marketing then you NEED to build people... you why needs to keep you going through ANYTHING! if your effort for achievement is 70% and you encounter an obstacle that is 72% your gone!!! your why MUST be 99%... Achievement is Created through desire and persistence and FAITH! If you want to have Luck you also need to build powerful relationships.. The more people your in contact with that have positive feelings about you the more likely you are to be around when an excellent opportunity presents itself! Doesnt this make perfect sense? But if you never make that contact.. you will never know the opportunities.. The more people you reach out to help the more likely you are to be lucky..Build your spider web continuously And you greatly increase your chance of being in the path when good things happen...

there is an old saying... the harder i work the luckier i get... its true.. especially when building true friendships with people... They want health, security, Financial independance, Achievement, They want love, they want passion, they want self satisfaction, trust, they want love and appreciation and fun! people have wanted these things for thousands of years and they will want them a thousand years later!! these things  are what everyone wants... If you want a life of prosperity and achievement and financial independence you need to help others get the SAME things that you need to understand them and study them.. listen to their goals and dreams and desires... you definitley need a good product sure no doubt... but your magic isnt your product.. the magic is YOU... and your desires and goals and dreams... and helping others work towards this common goal by teaching them the same things.. Remember this... People are NOT NUMBERS... people join people They dont join companies! it is essential that you become a mentor with a servants heart... Build your people... build your spiderwebs... by creating trust and positive feelings in people towards you and what your offering THEM!!!

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