Thursday, May 17, 2012

how and why i got into network marketing

hello out there this is chris peeters with another blog post.. today im going to discuss how and why i got into network marketing..

I was fed up with other people running my life.. and what i mean by this is as follows i was having to adhere to someone elses schedule, their requirements and their orders.. job after job after job, and i absolutley hated it. I dont think i am alone when i say i hate being told what to do and how to do it and not being appreciated for my efforts.. i struggled and struggled to maintain some kind of composure and drifted along endlessley thinking that "this is life i have to work for others blah blah" but i knew i was only fooling myself because instnctually i KNEW how wrong this felt and i knew there had to be a better way for me.

I decided right then and there that i wasnt going to be anyones slave anymore, i wasnt going to put up with anyones B.S or mistreatment about "your not working fast enough" or "this food could be cooked better" or any of that negative non-sense.  I began researching and learning about network marketing, the companies, the people, the business models, etc.. and what i found was so many similarities between these companies and the jobs i was already working.. so i looked deeper and deeper into these companies and people and discovered so many bad things about these companies, their business models, their management, the policies and procedures... i found out that 90% of these companies dont even have to tell their clients that they can terminate their memeberships without any kind of notice, that they can take their checks to pay their over-head, that if their clients didnt meet the recruiting quotas that they would be terminated from the company!!! i thought to myself "wow" this is ridiculous and the same kind of greed and ego that exists in the corporate world.

I then began to look for training programs by searching google and i found some decent programs that offered training and mentoring but they all wanted over 500 dollars per month just to coach me.. and i thought to myself wow more greed and ego, more business models driven by recruiting and sign up costs.. i said "nope your not taking my money" i then began to learn about the law of attraction and learning how to control my thoughts and reprogram my mind... i began visualizing a way for me to make this work.. to be trained for free.. and to work and socialize with people who believe in doing good for this world and who want to change peoples lives.. i found a wonderous program called mentoring for free!!! Mentoring For Free is the best mentoring, coaching & training program in the network marketing industry. I am thrilled to be a part of this great organization and I welcome you to join with me in creating a new success story. I look forward to working with you in helping you succeed and achieve greatness and inspire others to do so as well. I am here to inspire and coach and mentor as well as be a friend to anyone who is out there that wants to be a part of this great training system and group of friends and mentors who believe in me and who are genuine in their caring for me and wanting me to succeed! here are the links to all of this wonderful information and program

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