Friday, February 20, 2015

Chapter 7 Of Think and grow rich -Organized Planning-

What this Chapter Really says to me is the Importance of taking action Constantly.. When an Inspiration from the Ether Strikes WRITE IT DOWN! Go Forth and put your plan across and nevermind what "they say" it brings me back to chapter 2 -Desire- Where we are instructed to Write down our 6 steps for Our Desired plans To Attain the money we are asking for!

What it also Illustrates to us is What we intend to give back in Return for the money! Hill says "There is no such  thing as Something for nothing" Well I know for a fact that I work a daily plan that i have typed up and put onto my Wall right by my computer.  I have daily tasks that I do each day to move myself and My business forward! 

The journey is long, it is vast and it IS profound! Its all worth it to me. I am not a stranger to The rewards of Delayed gratification! I know that things that come to you when you are really ready to receive them are Just that much Sweeter! 

The more seeds you plant the more Plants will grow, But you must nurture these seeds! The way we nuture our gardens is through Self talk, Obeying the 7 spiritual laws of success, and the 11 forgotten laws of the universe! and Alot of Trial and Error! I love it when Mr Steve porter says If you want to be more successful this year "Double your failure rate"! 

This really hit home with me when he said it! The only way anyone ever fails in life is if they Put down the sword and QUIT! well I am a warrior of The Light now and i will never put down my sword!  I will either win or perish! And I will NOT die with my music still in me!  This Incredible mastermind, along with napoleon hill, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Many other successful inventors and pioneers throughout history Inspire me to Keep on keeping on! I will be a Runner! Just like Micheal Dlouhy, Just like Ken Klemm and Big al Schrieter! I WANT TO RUN AND WIN! so I can Own my life!!!!

Chris Peeters
Brandon Manitoba Canada

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