Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"burning desire part II"

hello everyone out there and welcome to another one of my posts... today im going to elaborate some more on the importance of burning desire... this is a process that ignites some of the most powerful feelings inside of us.. the emotions behind desire are profound and often can transcend us beyond what you and I would call tangible.. but thats the wonderful thing about desire is that it Breaks the bounds of traditional logic in that when one focuses their entire being on an outcome that they want out of life.. a Strong intense passionate burning desire WILL manifest it into its physical countperpart.. Napoleon hill stresses the importance of a burning desire and a Strong "why" that will always keep you going no matter what challenge or obstacle you are currently facing.. It is very important to remember that Achievement only comes when the desire for the achievement is powerful enough..

It is easy to just "give up" after all thats 90% of the problem of the human race and it explains why we have
famine, poverty, drug addiction and alcoholism and so many more social issues. One thing that can be said about this.... It doesnt HAVE to be that way... no one has to live in such miserable conditions.. for it is ones own mindset and belief driven systems and internal dialogue that will shift ones perception to the path of abundance rather than the Setbacks of a Lacking state of concious awareness... Remember we are all responsible for our lives... if we have the ability to make a choice between a hamburger and a sub sandwich.. then we have the ability just as easily to make the choice between success and failure... Focus and powerful burning desire is Absolutley key to getting what it is that you yearn for so badly that you will do anything to attain! 

Until next time.. take care of yourself...

1 comment:

  1. Burning desire....the passion of life is what really moves us into a desired life of success.

    Thanks for the reminder in this blog post my friend.

    Jacob Dantzler
