Saturday, March 10, 2012

"Personal money smarts"

hello everyone out there... this is chris peeters .. in this post i will be discussing personal money smarts..
Now what does this mean exactly?? well i encourage you to take a look at your financial situation and evaulate your current spending vs your current saving.. Are you spending more than you should? and if so what kinds of changes can you make so that you can actually start saving money.. Are you currently in debt? and if so do you have a financial advisor who can assist you in managing your debt? In my own personal experience i was in alot of debt when i was a university student and i borrowed money to attend school and during this time i was introduced to a course called "personal money smarts" the course lasted about 4 months and i learned HOW to budget my money effectively and use the money i had WISELY instead of foolishly... i had learned that i could be spending less money on take out... Collectable cards etc... i then began to work out a budget plan and also a set amount of money that i wanted to save each month...for example if i was recieving 700 dollars per month i made SURE that i saved at least 150 dollars of that money each and every month.. and when times came where i was strapped for cash i always had money to fall back on... this is how we can avoid being BROKE... there is no worse feeling in the world then when you cant even afford to eat!

With all this in mind lets begin breaking this down into steps you can take to manage your money effectively

1. What is your current mindset about debt? what do your friends and family think about debt in general?
and how much Debt do the people in your life currently have?

2.Do you feel it is a good idea to seek a Debt consultant to assist you in your current debt situation and if so
What kind of plan do you intend to work out with your consultant so that you can begin the process of eliminating your debt.

3.Would you say your finances are under control? or are you spending more money than you need to?
this is very important to evaluate! for it will often be the difference maker in your spending vs saving!

4.Do you have a plan for your finances?? and if so how much money are you putting away if any at all??
start small! put away 30 dollars this month... and then the next month put 50 away.. and so on and so forth..
you will be amazed by just how much that alone will begin to make a difference

5. Make yourself a spreadsheet listing your expenses... your total income... leisure... gas....cellphone bill
whatever the expenses are... make a list of them and find ways to REDUCE your current spending.. this also makes a huge difference.

6.Evaluate your current income sources.. are they providing you with enough money to give you the things you need?? are you able to buy enough groceries etc? This is another very important aspect to consider when evaulating your current financial spending...

I hope this finds you well... and please contact me if you want more assistance with the topics covered here in this post.. and remember Personal money smarts is beneficial for everyone in your family...

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