Thursday, November 28, 2013

chapter 5-Specialized Knowledge

I had a fantastic monday evening, I traveled to elie manitoba to meet Roger And we had a great initial introduction We then traveled to Winnipeg Manitoba and met up With Tom "Big Al" Schreiter and Tom Took us out for dinner At Montana's Restaraunt, We had a great meal and then we Chatted with tom some more, And he asked us "So what got you into network marketing" I then Went on to tell him that I was Sick of Normal everyday jobs and That i wanted to Specialize in Building my own business and Owning my life, He said Great! "Tonight will be very awesome for you and i am going to teach you some hardcore Skills that will help you in this business!" Over the Course of the next 4 hours at the Conference I had So many "Ahh hah" Moments and learned so many Skills! This specialized Knowledge Is critical to success in network marketing and i am so happy i went to see and meet him, Not only that But i also discovered that there are Alot of network marketers In Winnipeg Manitoba!!! I truly had an amazing time and Accquired some Amazing skills and learned alot about why tom struggled and How he rose to success in 60 days! I truly feel more inspired Now then ever to keep going on this amazing journey! Thank you to micheal and linda dlouhy and everyone in Mentoring for free!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Congratulations Mr. Chris - long time no chat but I have been keeping up, pretty much with your posts as you are in my circles. Reading this, I'm very glad and pleased you are continuing and growing your business. My hair is catching up! ha. Anyway, been doing some writing and editing some older stories on this end and working on my business reviews site. How's life? How's Mom?
