Wednesday, October 23, 2013

-The Law Of Attraction and Expectations... Know what you want and Educate Your Expectations-

You Must understand clearly what it means: "Whatever you believe and expect to happen, with confidence, are most likely to occur." Life is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy', you get what you expect. So expect all positive stuff and you will receive it." What else? "Change your expectations, and you change what happens to you." Up to now, there has been no science documentation to justify the Law of Expectation. All the articles say, "Believe it because I say so", and no evidence is offered. On top of that, all the writers on Expectation refer you to the Law of Attraction which is connected to the Law of expectations.

 This doesn't mean that with the Law of Expectations, you will achieve everything you want by simply believing in yourself, but it does mean that what you believe about yourself and your ability to accomplish a task will affect the outcome. In order for the principle of expectation to work in your life you have to learn to focus your mind, heart, and total being on what it is that you want and what is best for you. Sometimes, there is a conflict between the two. If you are going to call upon your extraordinary powers of expectation then you should search your soul and be sure that your heart and motives are in the right place, for wherever you place your heart, your desires and creativity will follow. The following are the three areas where your brain are involved: If you create mental imagery in your primary visual cortex of your expectation of promotions and raises, by making mental-movies, and repetitiously running them, they active your brain to motivate you strongly. You emotionalize the desire and expectation of promotions and raises by excitation of your Limbic (emotions) system.

The wilder and crazier you get about your positive expectations (repetition is Mandatory), the greater the Expectation effect. Jumping-up-and-down or throwing your arms in the air are nice. Applause works too. Emotionalize your expectation. Affirmations are statements that can cue your mind to be on the look-out for ways to succeed in obtaining promotions and raises. Putting you affirmation in the form of a question is very effective to trigger your brain. "Why is my winning Promotions and Raises in my career, so easy and effective? Or, Why am I enjoying my thriving career with new promotions and raises? Repeat either one of these affirmations prior to falling asleep - twenty-five (25) times. Do another 25x upon awakening while brushing your teeth, or while lying in bed.

 During these times of the day, we can access and convince our Non-Conscious mind, Right-Hemisphere, and Emotions to create positive strategies to win promotions and raises. Thus there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome if you set your expectations high enough. There is no limit to the things that you can achieve by simply believing in yourself. Saturate your mind and retrain your thoughts for positive self talk that encourage you to reach for and achieve your goals. Get rid of garbage in your mind that holds you back and limits your potential and your expectations. Sure, it takes effort on your part to do this, but you can do it as long as you think you can. You will Expectation works with positive affirmation and visualization to help you reach even your loftiest goals. Life is what you make it,Get to the Law of expectations now!

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